Rand May Be Out, But Liberty Is Not Out

Liberty Pastor Sat, 02/06/2016 - 03:24

Liberty is only out when we quit and tuck our tails between our legs or hide behind a computer.

I haven't been on the site much due to working on things too important to reveal. But what I can do is post this link for all to watch what I say publicly, as a pastor of a non501c3 biblical church.

Below is a short snippet from a message I preached regarding the Burns, Oregon situation on January 10, 2015, sixteen days before LaVoy Finicum was murdered, and also a link to the full message.

Open letter to New Hampshire ~

The Pen Sat, 02/06/2016 - 01:23

I can accept that I am still embracing liberty and hoping against every possible odd, so it seems and I've been told repeatedly, that our time for it to be shone it's brightest, is this time, this moment, now. I will not be defeated by the defeatists outside and within our 'movement' of non-aggression and diplomacy, open communication and non-intervention. If it was all a blur and the man I recall standing and hollering for our Bill of Rights into the latest of night is truly acting in deceit and disingenuousness, then I can only decipher the last nine years of this 'intellectual revolution' were also built upon the same. If it was a blur that his stances on foreign policy were unparalleled in how they sought to restore power to the people in that they should face a declaration of war on the deepest visceral level if it is to be their children that sow the tragedies of it, then maybe people should leave such decisions to anyone who can muster the painful cliche to 'Make America Great Again'. I don't want my children going off to war, never to return, nor the want to witness their conscription under authoritarian rule.

RUN RON RUN...for the Libertarian Party!!!

pawnstorm12 Sat, 02/06/2016 - 00:24

It's not too late for Ron to add his name to the Libertarian Party ticket.

Their convention is in May I believe, so there's plenty of time.

Believe me, liberty-minded people like us would FLOCK to the Libertarian Party if Ron were their nominee and...he would be on virtually every state ballot this November.

I also believe the money would flow by the millions for his campaign if he ran.

John Cleese: Political Correctness Can Lead to an Orwellian Nightmare

VR Sat, 02/06/2016 - 00:09

"The essence of comedy is being critical, says Cleese, and that means causing offense sometimes. But we shouldn't protect everyone from experiencing negative emotions by enforcing political correctness, he says". 


Latest from Bundy Ranch 02-05-16 11pm Mountain Time

VR Fri, 02/05/2016 - 23:40

Over a thousand gathered today to celebrate LaVoy's life, mourn our loss and remind the world that his stand is not lost, his death not in vain.

Trump: Breaking up Big Government Scams; paying down Debt

Zagabe Fri, 02/05/2016 - 20:52

Trump discusses on O'Reilly some of his proposals involving taking on the debt by taking on issues like trade deficits, world's police, big pharma Medicare scams.


Felony Friday Podcast Ep. 005: Jeffrey Tucker Challenges Drinking Age Laws

Jao171 Fri, 02/05/2016 - 17:59

On today’s episode of the Felony Friday Podcast, host John Odermatt is joined by the founder of Liberty.me, Jeffrey Tucker.

Ron Paul: Ted Cruz is no libertarian

VR Fri, 02/05/2016 - 17:41

"Now that Rand Paul is out of the race for the White House his father Ron Paul, who ran in 2008 and 2012, isn't impressed by Ted Cruz's attempts to pick up the "free market" libertarian banner."


No Paul to Call anymore...sad.

pawnstorm12 Fri, 02/05/2016 - 17:22

I'm pissed at Rand for babying out after BEATING BUSH AND CHRISTIE in Iowa.

Was he that broke?

I gave him money multiple time as I'm sure did a lot of others here..

He should have stayed in there - gone to the debates - and spread the liberty message as long as he could have like his dad did.

Trump will participate in the Saturday's debate (because Rand Paul is not) -

The Pen Fri, 02/05/2016 - 16:57

I had recently posted an opinion piece that the main reason Trump excluded himself from the January 28th Republican debate was due to Rand Paul making the 'cut'. I still believe this is true. His reason for missing the debate was petty and an act you might come to expect from a toddler-in-spontaneous-fit. Here is the link to that thread - http://www.acalltopaul.com/node/974 -

Ron Paul: Rand’s Exit No Victory for War Hawks

The Cat Fri, 02/05/2016 - 15:25

During Paul’s latest Liberty Report, the former congressman showed why lovers of liberty everywhere should not give hawks the impression that they too are scared of what is coming next.”
