Jen Briney - Our Corrupt Congress, The WTO, & The Push For Global Corporate Takeover

DjPe5h Wed, 02/10/2016 - 13:00

congressional d

Jen Briney returns to THC to talk about all the things she’s been covering on her podcast Congressional Dish where she reads and researchers all the bills coming through Congress. Thus, she gets a great sense of what’s really going on, and the concerning patterns seems to be emerging.

Listen to the interview:

How did Ted Cruz's campaign get my work email?!

The Pen Wed, 02/10/2016 - 12:47

The following message from Ted Cruz's campaign, or sent on behalf of Ted Cruz's campaign was delivered to my work email not once, but in duplicate this morning:



We wanted to make sure you received Ted’s email from last night, it's included below.

Yesterday’s results from New Hampshire are clear:


Conservatives are uniting behind Ted Cruz.


Dawn of the Brain Dead

BaneMaler Tue, 02/09/2016 - 22:13

Is the financial crash starting?

bort Tue, 02/09/2016 - 21:33

Sounds like Deutsche Bank is in trouble.  They're denying it (as they absolutely have to else there would be a bank run) but if something happens there then either contagion or fears of contagion are going to start.


pawnstorm12 Tue, 02/09/2016 - 15:41

Since Rand only SUSPENDED campaigning, he will still be on every state ballot I believe.

So make your liberty voice heard because if Rand gets enough votes guess what???

Not to compare the 2 candidates in any way, but McCain also suspended in 2008 and came back to win.

Now I understand that the cheating RNC told Romney to step aside for McCain and that they would award him the nomination the next time (which they did in 2012), but sitll...

LaVoy Finicum shooting: What happened when Timeline and Funeral video

Anne Tue, 02/09/2016 - 14:55

The Oregonian/OregonLive created a timeline of what the FBI, the two women in Finicum's truck and the driver of a Jeep also stopped during the confrontation have said publicly about what happened and when. We've also compared their comments to an FBI aerial video of the deadly encounter and later comments from law enforcement sources.  

World Socialists equate Sanders to Tony Blair

Page of Cups Tue, 02/09/2016 - 14:12

While he calls himself a socialist, Sanders’ foreign policy and military policy remain in line with corporate capitalism, militarism, and imperialism.

Fox News New Hampshire primary results @ 1% counted

The Pen Tue, 02/09/2016 - 13:45

And they are already omitting Rand Paul, who has 1% along with Carson and Fiorina. Instead, they show Gilmore with 0%.

New Hampshire Election Fraud Prediction by Scott Adams

DjPe5h Tue, 02/09/2016 - 13:35

The New Hampshire primary tomorrow should be interesting. 

As I often say, wherever you have large stakes, an opportunity for wrong-doing, and a small risk of getting caught, wrong-doing happens. That’s a universal law of human awfulness. When humans CAN cheat, they do. Or at least enough of them do. 

That situation describes the primaries. I assume the primaries are corrupt to some degree. If not, that would mean the primaries are the one thing in history that has escaped the universal law of human awfulness. And that seems a stretch. 

Maybe you think cheating in a primary – and not getting caught – is too hard to do. I scoff at that notion. “Too hard” just means you don’t personally know how to do it. But someone knows. Someone always does.

Surfing and Liberty

Isabella sj Tue, 02/09/2016 - 13:34

What does surfing have to do with Liberty? Life is an ocean full of waves. Each one different yet the same. To be a good surfer one has to work at it. A surfer works out, goes into the ocean of possibilities, sees the opportunity and rides with gusto. Becoming the master. It's just like rodeo. Liberty education is the same. The surf is good when there are rocks. A beach without rocks usually is not that great for surfing. The surfer knows that a wrong move will throw his body onto those rocks. Caution, expertise and opportunity make a wonderful martini of excitement and triumph. Let's go surfing for Liberty waves no matter how many rocks come our way. courtesy of pure PureDIGITALMaui Dr. Paul eloquently tells us on:

What got me out of the cave? VOTE NOBODY

Isabella sj Tue, 02/09/2016 - 12:55

I was watching Daniel Mc Adams have a conversation with Robbie Martin about a documentary -- A Very Heavy Agenda. You can watch it at: Films for Action Robbie Martin brother of one tough researcher and ex RT star Abby Martin. You can also watch both installments at Vimeo on Demand. Part 3 is coming soon. Comment: Ok, so she went too far some times. I admit it. OK, so she cursed every once in a while. I get it. Yes, sure the tone of her voice during her shows' introductions sometimes was monotone and not the best. Let's not be purist. OK! I still like her. She reports with gusto. OLE! Sorry for deviating. I love research and she is good that's all. Sorry for the enthusiasm. Robbie is not so hyper he is to the point of the matter and does and excellent job with this documentary.

Montage: The Oratorical Stylings of Donald J. Trump [

Anne Tue, 02/09/2016 - 12:23

BLEEP TRUMP.jpgQuite the colorful video!  I'm sure the Evangelicals have enjoyed this.
