Sanders Applied For Conscientious Objector Status To Avoid Vietnam War

Ron Aldof Sat, 02/06/2016 - 23:42

Image result for bernie sanders funny pic"Bernie Sanders was a pacifist during the Vietnam War and applied for conscientious objector status at the time, his campaign told ABC News.

“As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist,” campaign spokesman Michael Briggs said in an email. “[He] isn’t now.”

The information was confirmed after a Vietnam veteran wrote a letter to The Des Moines Register asking how a Democratic Socialist like Sanders, who did not serve in the military by applying for the conscientious objector status, could be commander in chief. Steve Wikert of Cedar Falls, Iowa writes in part:"


Question regarding the Republican Debate?

The Pen Sat, 02/06/2016 - 23:37

How is it possible that Christie and Kasich made the cut, but Rand didn't? Rand never ended his campaign. Does his suspension therefore mean he is also debate-ineligible? The beginning of the debate was hilarious. Oh, we forgot about reminded by Trump. The circus is full of fakes and warmongers.

So I accidently tuned into tonight's debate

ecard71 Sat, 02/06/2016 - 20:55

For what it's worth.....

I tuned in late and heard lots of booing for Trump, so I continued watching. Trump has not been getting much applause. As a matter of fact, he's been getting booed quite often. Eminent Domain was brought up and Jeb brought up Vera Coking (Rand's position). Trump was booed some more.

SITREP 4 Lavoy Finicum Funeral

mothercirce Sat, 02/06/2016 - 20:53

I enjoyed the use of EXTREMIST well over half a dozen times. Also, I thought the governments official position on FUSION CENTERS was that they.... DO NOT EXIST ??

Attention Virginia Citizens: Delegate Selection Begins Today!

father_abraham85 Sat, 02/06/2016 - 15:53

Check your local Media Centers for more information then double check that source so you know it's not lying to you.

Saturday 6 February - Monday 11 April 2016: Local Mass Meetings, Party Canvasses, and Conventions:

The election of the actual National Convention delegates (who will be formally pledged according to the results of the Virginia Republican Primary) begins with local meetings held in each independent city and county of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The State Party Plan requires each independent city and county Republican Party to hold a Mass Meeting, Party Canvass or Convention to select delegates to the congressional district conventions and state convention and to elect local Party officials.

Rating Module Preference

Anne Sat, 02/06/2016 - 13:32

There are a couple of options we have to rate Posts.  Having this option allows us to list content  in the side by by popularity. 

Up till now we have used a +/- number version that allows you to down vote or up vote on any individual post.

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EPA going after this guy that followed all of the rules. Just because.

RogueBeekeeper Sat, 02/06/2016 - 11:17

I'm going to be posting this thing around. So this guy is being fined $37,000 a day over a stock pond that he had obtained all of the permits for in Wyoming. The EPA has no authority over stock ponds.

Another giveaway for a granite skillet

SleestaksRule Sat, 02/06/2016 - 09:33

A company sent me 1 to review and another to giveaway.  This one is really nice.  All you need to do is leave one comment under the video on YouTube and you're entered.  The last giveaway for the salt and pepper grinders only had 64 entries so odds are pretty good.  This one ships from me and not Amazon this time.  Good luck!

Ted Cruz is spamming my email.....So I responded

Freeman15 Sat, 02/06/2016 - 09:11
Re:  Email I received from your campaign
Thank you for spamming my email account requesting money to support your campaign. I have marked them all as SPAM, and deleted them.

What is your voting position?

Zagabe Sat, 02/06/2016 - 08:45
76% (25 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Sit out/ Other
6% (2 votes)
9% (3 votes)
9% (3 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 33

Phyllis Schlafly - THE ‘BIG CON’ BEGINS

Freeman15 Sat, 02/06/2016 - 08:42



To win in the 2010 Tea Party Wave, Rubio ran as the anti-amnesty candidate despite an aggressive pro-amnesty record.  Politico reports:

Problem-Reaction-Solution Explained by The Three Stooges

Promisekept Sat, 02/06/2016 - 08:15

These three, (or in this case, four), brilliant comedians gave us some of our earliest lessons on how creating a Problem, expecting a Reaction, and then offering a convenient, and urgently needed, Solution to their creation, works. The first is from 1936:


And since the plot worked so well, they redid it in 1951, with some subtle differences:

Greg Brannon Back On The Radar - Listen Up!

BaneMaler Sat, 02/06/2016 - 04:11

Had a great conversation tonight with a Brannon staffer. I am so ready for this guy to get back in there after learning much about dirty politics last go around.
