So I accidently tuned into tonight's debate

ecard71 Sat, 02/06/2016 - 20:55

For what it's worth.....

I tuned in late and heard lots of booing for Trump, so I continued watching. Trump has not been getting much applause. As a matter of fact, he's been getting booed quite often. Eminent Domain was brought up and Jeb brought up Vera Coking (Rand's position). Trump was booed some more.

Rubio (in an obvious attempt at stealing Rand votes) brought up the Constitution and its role in restricting government, the 2nd amendment, and he also brought up Arab boots on the ground (more Rand talking points).

Christie's attacked Rubio on immigration - Twice. Rubio only on defense.

There's obvious mutual respect between Christie and Kasich, and Christie and Trump. The war between Bush and Rubio seems to be over. Bush seems to be getting most of the applause tonight. I wonder if they're all starting to realize that once the other candidates drop out, they'll be wanting their endorsements.

All this has made me wonder if ANY one of these would consider Rand as a VP pick? I don't think any would, and more importantly, I don't think Rand would accept. Though how cool would it be if Rand & Ted had devised this plan all along? One can dream.....

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ecard71's picture
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Hambach_Festival's picture

There is no reason not to stand with Rand in the primaries as long as he is
on the ballot and I understand he is on the ballot in 49 states.

Coming primary in NH will show whether the liberty movement is still alive,
sold out to Trump & Cruz, or finally collapsed.
On a national level.

Are liberty minded voters smart enough to grab delegate positions for Paul?

In a brokered convention with Carson and Paul holding 10..15% of the delegates,
all of the three elephants (Trump, Cruz and Rubio) will be forced to negotiate
and make deals in favor of liberty.

If you keep grabbing delegate positions, I can see Carson and Paul bundle their
delegates and throw in as a weight to negotiate in backroom deals.


bort's picture

I didn't get the sense any of the candidates praised or felt a kinship w/ Rand.  Contrast this to 2012 where at least Gary Johnson spoke kindly of Ron Paul (in the few debates GJ was in as an R).  Plus would TPTB really let any of these guys pick Rand as VP?  The only possible one would be Trump (assuming he's not bought by TPTB) but I definitely don't see Trump picking Rand.  Plus Rand dropped out early in the race so it's not like he has a lot of sway w/ the Amercian people (for the general election).  

I watched a good deal of tonight's debate btw.  Rubio faltered badly.  Chris Christie basically called him out as a guy who is good at reading talking points.  Rubio twice countered that point (in a long back-and-forth w/ CC) w/ the exact same talking points.  It was cringe-worthy.  It was almost as if Rubio were a wind-up toy.  

It was also interesting how CC strongly attacked Rubio throughout the debate.  I don't think he came anywhere close to attacking any of the other candidates. I have a pet theory that since Rubio did surprisingly well in Iowa, the establishment feels like the American people don't have the stomach to elect a non-establishment guy.  Jeb badly want the "establishment candidate" spot but didn't want to be seen in a negative light by the public.  Instead, he got CC to be the "attack dog" on Rubio while Jeb tried to be "presidential".

Jeb had good attacks on Trump but Trump fought back with "he's trying to be a tough guy tonight" and it seemed to score points.  Also Trump made an interesting point that the people in the audience were basically lobbyists.  It seemed like Trump was saying they were for Jeb and would cheer Jeb and boo Trump, accordingly.  I definitely would not be surprised if it were the case.

I was hoping to change my mind and like one of these guys but I didn't really.  Trump said he strongly believes in eminent domain (we wouldn't have roads, bridges and hospitals!) and that he would do "a lot worse" than just waterboarding to terrorists (they behead our guys!)  Cruz said waterboarding would be okay by him in certain extreme situations and said it was "not torture" but rather "enhanced interrogation".  

Both Trump and Cruz said that in a war they'd use overwhelming force.  Trump also talked again about "taking their oil" (almost as if war to pillage stuff is acceptable).  

Trump also played up the whole "I'm a good deal maker and that's what this country needs" angle (we don't win anymore!) 

I was thinking who I would vote for if I had to vote for one of these guys.  Carson seemed the least bellicose (though they didn't really let him answer the war questions).  But then I remembered that Carson is for forced innoculations. Kasich seems ineffectual but I look at that as a positive considering the rest of this field.  I'm barely able to pay attention to what he has to say most of the time.  I really wouldn't mind that but, by default, I don't trust politicians and I don't see the establishment guys attacking him.  In fact, CC praised Kasich's jobs record.  

Basically everyone of these guys is awful.  I will very likely either not vote or I'll vote for Gary Johnson assuming he doesn't lose my vote (as my vote is probably his to lose - not that it matters any).  


BaneMaler's picture

Saw a few minutes at a bar that night. Watched as Rubio basically stole Rands epic talking point on abortion and the democrats. Just glad that Rand is getting some serious legislation moving in the Senate now that he dropped out. Criminal Justice reform is going to get a vote and it was part of his platform. That is fantastic. Liberty will never die. If everyone gave up on it today, people wiser than us woild rediscover it so we need to get over ourselves a bit.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated!