Courted by Cruz, New Hampshire’s libertarians ask if they need politics at all

Anne Fri, 02/05/2016 - 12:14

"Still, several legislators who’d backed Paul told The Post that they resented the idea that they could flip so easily. Aaron Day, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, said he’d spent much of Wednesday running interference"



Goldman Donations Shift to Marco Rubio as Jeb Bush Fades

Ron Aldof Fri, 02/05/2016 - 11:56


Image result for pic of jeb bush and marco rubio togetherAccording to recent FEC filings, top political donors at Goldman Sachs shifted their giving to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio in the last three months of last year.

Image result for pic of jeb bush and marco rubio together

Jeb Bush had been the top recipient of donations from the Wall Street investment bank. Donations to Bush shrank to a trickle as his campaign faded.

The most recent filing covers contributions and expenses between October and December. Marco Rubio’s campaign received $107,000 from Goldman Sachs executives. This number likely does not include donations to various Super PACs tied to Rubio’s candidacy.

Get a Load of This Deceptive Headline: Ron Paul Movement Dies with a Whimper

The Cat Fri, 02/05/2016 - 10:10

The guy from the Daily Caller falsely advertises in his headline that we are dead.  He goes on to analyze what went wrong with Rand, then FINALLY puts forth, in his skewed way, an important truth.  We aren't dead yet. But, WE ARE AT A CROSSROADS:

Code 291: Swedish Police Cover-Up Thousands of Crimes Involving “Refugees”

Anne Fri, 02/05/2016 - 09:55

Swedish police have covered up thousands of crimes involving migrants over the past four months, all of which have been classified under a secret ‘291 refugee code’ designation, it has been revealed.

According to a report in Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, around 5,000 incidents have been kept secret, including 559 cases of violence, 194 assaults, two terror threats and four rapes.

Buchanan: Trump; Sanders, Non-interventionists

Zagabe Fri, 02/05/2016 - 09:42

The surge in the polls of Bernie Sanders at the expense of Hillary Clinton, and of Donald Trump at the expense of the GOP establishment, are the political stories of the year.

And what do Socialist Sanders and Capitalist Trump have in common? Neither is an interventionist — both opposed the Iraq War.

Which would you prefer?

HowAbout Fri, 02/05/2016 - 08:36

In response to "Who would you prefer"

Eye dug out with rusty spoon
50% (4 votes)
Splinter wood up the arse
38% (3 votes)
Bleach and acid cocktail
13% (1 vote)
Total votes: 8

Wake Up, NH - Wake NH Up!

Hambach_Festival Fri, 02/05/2016 - 06:58

Please, whoever has liberty minded friends in NH,
call them,
urge them,
not to sell out to the warmongering current "frontrunners"
and also
not to throw in the towel!

They have it in their hands now, to make good the damage caused in Iowa.

Who would you prefer?

Zagabe Thu, 02/04/2016 - 23:02
23% (3 votes)
0% (0 votes)
15% (2 votes)
62% (8 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 13

The biggest elephant in the room is not the GOP's!

JSBach Thu, 02/04/2016 - 22:38

The biggest un-constitutional elephant in the room, the kings very new un-clothes, the last things even the liberty sites seem to care about, and certainly the last thing the GOP couch potatoes have come to care about in their now more apparent open agreement that what Ron Paul heard in committee must be true, that the constitution is an anachronism, old fashioned, we don't do it that way anymore... that biggest of all elephants has become... what???

The Truth About Rand Paul's Presidential Campaign - (as I see it)

The Pen Thu, 02/04/2016 - 19:08

I cannot count how many articles by any number of outlets that have asserted and claimed that Rand Paul has dropped out of the presidential race. This is not true. A suspension does not mean, although it can, that someone has dropped out. If Rand is on the ballot in all 50 states, he surely understood the importance of having his name on those ballots.

Rand Paul is still a viable and most notably, worthy candidate to vote for. It is unfortunate that Oregonians will not be able to cast a vote in the primary until May 17th, but nonetheless, whether all fires have seemingly been extinguished in their spreading throughout this land, I will keep to my conscience and vote for Rand. After all, the write-in campaign for Ron Paul in 2012 was something I was proud to take part in and would do it all over again.

CDC Adds 3 More Vaccines to Childhood Immunization Schedule

VR Thu, 02/04/2016 - 18:59

On February 1, 2016, the insanity continued as the CDC hiked the childhood immunization schedule even further by adding another 3vaccinations and lowering the age for the first HPV jab (Gardasil) to 9 years old. The total is now an outrageous 74 doses (53 injections) by age 17, an increase of 24X since 1950.

An outsiders view of the USA

KiwiRichard Thu, 02/04/2016 - 16:38

For some reason USA seems to think it is the self appointed policeman of the world.....somehow imposing freedom on the rest of the world. Alot of the world hates you because the freedom isnt that free. USA is a quirky place it has the highest in ratio number of sex workers the highest number of religious people the highest number of people in jail. Its people want gun carrying when you have murders per minute.

CNN: Ted Cruz tries to seize Rand Paul's libertarian mantle

TruthSeeker1982 Thu, 02/04/2016 - 15:13

From the article:

"Winning libertarian voters has been a centerpiece of the New Hampshire strategy for Cruz, who has flirted with the GOP's libertarian views on foreign policy. Cruz has argued that he is the natural inheritor of the modern libertarian movement built by Ron Paul, which was especially resonant here in New Hampshire, where the elder Paul won second place four years ago."
