The biggest elephant in the room is not the GOP's!

JSBach Thu, 02/04/2016 - 22:38

The biggest un-constitutional elephant in the room, the kings very new un-clothes, the last things even the liberty sites seem to care about, and certainly the last thing the GOP couch potatoes have come to care about in their now more apparent open agreement that what Ron Paul heard in committee must be true, that the constitution is an anachronism, old fashioned, we don't do it that way anymore... that biggest of all elephants has become... what???

That biggest of all elephants hardly discussed but so plain... that Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen. Rubicon, can never be POTUS! They are entirely ineligible!

I don't care if their names are Billy Graham! Their being elected, congress acquiescing to an electoral college vote, a fancy dandy ball and a wonderful nightcap before sitting in the Oval office, all would make none of their actions lawful or constitutional.. every single thing they would do as usurpers would be ULTRA VIRES! WITHOUT THE POWER!

How amazing that a party that has a history of being the ender of wars and defender of individual rights, has become so silent, it is deafening! It is the ultimate Orwellian elephant!

Not only is he NOT eligible... a child can understand it. And a child can understand because they do not know how to hide lies and fraud yet! The party has become skilled at this, and the couch potatoes have become real good at following the Piper!

Liberty folks... are you also becoming embarrassed of our constitution?! Do you know the reason for the unique construction of the office of POTUS?

A great message to take into the caucuses, a message I intend to take, is:

"What are you all doing here for the GOP anyway?" "Are you going to cross the line in the sand? Do any of you really believe the constitution is an anachronism, old fashioned, and we don't do it that way anymore?"

"I will support any candidate who abides by his oath to uphold the constitution, and such an oath makes you strict whether you like it or not!" "Name me a candidate who has manifested his clear intention and a track record of, strictly obeying the constitution?!"

So anyone on this site who still believes the party rhetoric, who does not see yet why the RNC kept quiet in 2012 about Barry Soetoro in the White House, you need but look at the crop of candidates being paraded before the masses. When the cry for a king reaches dizzying loudness, then will come the call for the needed change to the constitution, then will come real change for tyranny and away from the simple constitutional truths of which Ron Paul so eloquently speaks as our roadmap back to peace. By then it will be too late to stop the mob! Even the roadmap will have been obscured.

If anyone is really sold on the Cruz con, just ask yourself how congress can pass a law to make him eligible? He, born a subject and that still, of the Queen of England, but another born in the same province of Canada as my relative, also of an American mother, is not eligible!

Natural born citizenship is not subject to congressional law in any way shape or form, for it flows from the giver of all rights, and is not disputable by any nation! All nations know and accept that a natural born citizen cannot be claimed by any but the nation upon whose soil such a person was born when born to citizens of that same nation! No law by congress can alter that natural born citizenship.

Cruz's mother, by congressionally passed statute, had to have resided in America for a cumulative 19 years! Did she? (Lowered by congress several times. Now it is about one year. Law applied as per year of birth.) But my relative's mother was one (1) day short the 19 years and they are denied citizenship! According to Cruz that means, 'oops, I guess congress decided she cannot be POTUS'! Or maybe he thinks... 'not, at least until they change their minds again'?

His claim to eligibility, but my relative's inability to claim eligibility to POTUS, stemming from the same law, which is changed by congress from time to time, demonstrates neither is 'natural born'! One is naturalized from birth (assuming Cruz's mother was here long enough, which he is hiding), and the other must naturalize by immigrating first, the long and hard way.

Cruz's thinking is skewed. Congress can make no law affecting a natural born citizen's status of eligibility for POTUS! It is solely decided by the text of the constitution until altered by the people through a Con-Con! If their status is decided by congress, they are citizens per the power of congress to pass immigration laws deciding that matter. It is something they change from time to time! Such citizens are naturalized, even if they are granted citizenship by congress from their birth. They are not native or natural born. At least two major SCOTUS cases make the distinction. Don't drink the cool-aid!

Cruz is claiming that he is allowed, and others not, solely as decided and altered from time to time by acts of congress! Cruz has become an Orwellian blot on the face of the Republic, a liar and deceiver willing  to take his lies directly into the teeth of the constitution, and hope to be covered by just such clothes as such kings wear in times like these!

It is time his nakedness becomes the talk of the town, before it becomes but the whispers of serfs!

If the former we can hope to prevent other erosions of the constitution, and expose other oath breakers parading as oath keepers.

If the latter, we can probably still have cool toys for a short while longer.

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The Pen's picture

they better crown King Trump now. Good grief! Rand suspended his campaign to do his job in the Senate. As he still is required to do or be thrown out. He isn't dropping out if he is on all ballots. And he didn't say he was ending his campaign. When Trump is left, Rand 'can' simply lift the suspension to a less crowded stage, made so by three power hungry men who will not share power.

Patriots Unite!

Mr. Kotter's picture

Plus, Cruz looks alot like Mr. Bean, especially the lizard lipped mouth and smile, sounds like a TV evengalist from the 80s, and it bugs the living heck out of me.

“Majority rule must stop at our unalienable rights. Without that, pure democratic rule is a terrible thing. It’s like two wolves and a lamb voting to see what’s for dinner.”
― LaVoy Finicum, Only by Blood and Suffering: Regaining Lost Freedom

VR's picture

Have you seen him next to a pic of Granpa Munster?

All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.
Immanuel Kant