Democracy and Political Ignorance

Anne Wed, 02/03/2016 - 00:11


Aaron Ross Powell, and Trevor Burrus of Free Thoughts Podcast interview Ilya Somin.  They discussion about political ignorance and its affect on democracy.  Somin's conclusion is similar to what I had commented about  on a previous thread.  The ignorance of he public holds us back in political elections and ultimately keeps us more divided as a people.  Before being able to have an effective debate, we have to have a base knowledge to draw from.


"If we go back to citing footnotes from Mises we've failed the liberty movement"

free_your_mind Tue, 02/02/2016 - 21:29

The above quote is from Matt Kibbe, formerly of Freedom Works and now with the SupePAC Concerned American Voters supporting Rand.  Kibbe goes on to say that Rand's Iowa vote was actually "very credible considering where he has been."

Interesting comment about Cruz background and training as a "classical liberal" but Kibbe is concerned about Cruz being a neocon.

CAV is sticking with Rand.

Another scam to Keep Rand Paul out? #MediaBlackOut?

DZdownUnder Tue, 02/02/2016 - 21:12

ABC News has announced the criteria for its Republican presidential debate (link is external) before the New Hampshire primary (link is external).

The faceoff between the GOP (link is external) presidential hopefuls is slated for Feb. 6 in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Here are the three different ways candidates can gain an invitation for the debate stage:

Let's throw salt on Rand's wound - The Daily Show

ecard71 Tue, 02/02/2016 - 20:56

So The Daily Show is now apparently following in Fox's footsteps by replacing 5th place Rand with 6th place Jeb. So much for that man crush Noah supposedly had. Hypocrites of 2012.

The Truth Behind The Gov't Land Grab

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 20:54

David Knight interviews an Oregon logger who explains how Federal land management policies have devastated the local economy and caused massive fires. Its’ by design and its not limited to one area or one industry. It is part of a federal policy to take sole control of the vast resources of the western states and sell them to multinational corporations.

Corbett Report Interview: Elaine Dewar on Maurice Strong's Cloak of Green

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 20:34

Elaine Dewar is interviewed by James Corbett to discuss Maurice Strong’s career and her discovery of the business and political interests behind the non-governmental organizations shaping the environmental movement.

Trump Supported the Banking and Auto Bailouts

GBAmerica Tue, 02/02/2016 - 17:17

Back on September 30, 2008, Donald Trump was asked by CNN's Kiran Chetry what he thought of the plan to bail out failing banks. What he told her:

Paul: Trump has no clue what the nuclear triad is

GBAmerica Tue, 02/02/2016 - 17:06

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday accused front-runner Donald Trump of having “no clue” about the nation’s nuclear delivery capability.

Read More

Welcome to Ron Paul's world, Ben... the new age of Fascism! Liberty is still threatening to win!

JSBach Tue, 02/02/2016 - 15:45

Poor Ben is maybe justifiably peeved at the cheating, whether he is sincere or not in his high dudgeon! I say 'Welcome to Ron Paul's world, Ben... it is the battlefield of liberty in a new age of Fascism! What did you expect from a party whose 'elephant in the room' is the openly declared 'reject the constitution'.

The GOP is choosing open fascists and oath breakers, no longer ashamed to ignore constitutional limits, believing they now exist autonomous from the very document which creates the office!

(read more)

Moving to the Gold Standard, abandoning the Federal Reserve Note

RogueBeekeeper Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:52

 These past few months we have been quietly rebuilding a way for people to return to the gold standard. UPMA has been around since Utah's Legal Specie Act passed in 2011 but the debit cards are brand new. You can now transact against gold at a 0% buy/sell spread. 

Just Joined

RogueBeekeeper Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:33

 Man did I miss popularliberty. I have about six or seven websites that I check all the time because I just can't get enough. 

 Just remembered this one and decided to join and try it out. It feels good so far. Lots of familiar names. I think that I will stick around. Maybe I will bring a few in as well.



Happy Anniversary to America's First Couple

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 13:31

Yesterday was Ron and Carol’s 58th wedding anniversary.

Senator Paul Iowa Caucus Night

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 11:19


"Ideas are stronger than armies.  I think the idea of liberty lives on in you, in us.  We will continue to fight.  Tonight is the beginning.  Liberty will live on.  We fight on.  Thank you for all your support"


Migrant Destabilization Continues in Germany

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 10:31

Migrants sexually harass German School Girls - Mayor dismisses Grandfather: "Don't provoke them"
