Why hasn't the Clintons denounced the violent anti-trumps riots?

JD Tue, 11/15/2016 - 08:23

It’s been nearly a week since Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, but the fires set by rioters protesting Trump’s victory still rage. These riots aren’t being orchestrated in cities that Trump won, nor are they being perpetrated by people who voted for his presidency.

Quite the opposite. The riots are happening in Portland, Los Angeles, and New York City, each of which voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton.

MSM bashes AJ

JD Tue, 11/15/2016 - 07:59

Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist, radio talk show host, and provocateur founder of the popular Infowars website, says President-elect Donald Trump called him last week to thank him and his audience for their grassroots support of his unlikely candidacy.


One of my neighbors. Leona Lovegrove Remember 9-11

Isabella sj Tue, 11/15/2016 - 07:25

Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump:

Please order a real investigation for the 9-11 terrorist attack. This time for real.

Let's heal our country once and for all.

Thank YOU.

Follow The Canvas:

HELP! Request for Education. Is Steve Pieczenik real? Alex Jones says he is. I'm smelling...hm?

Isabella sj Tue, 11/15/2016 - 07:05

Isn't Petraeus one of THE kids that works with Hillary and Hillary's owners? Was he not the one that came up with the brilliant idea to arm and train "possible" terrorist to hide the real intent in Syria? Why would Pieczenik say that's the choice to run our military? Isn't Petraeus complicit in the story of Benghazi? Was he not removed to install the Butcher in Chief Brennan? I'm confused. Bilderberger conspiracy.........HELP

HERE WE GO...Trump considering John Bolton for a high cabinet position or even Secretary of State.

pawnstorm12 Tue, 11/15/2016 - 05:41

The dirty war-mongering bastard John Bolton, one of the most hated people by liberty-lovers (like me), may end up as Secretary of State.

Trump claims he likes Bolton because "...he supported me and my campaign."

But IS THAT A GOOD REASON to appoint someone to a high office?

This is starting to NOT LOOK GOOD AT ALL.

But don't blame me - I didn't vote for him.

Boston Marathon and implementation of militarized polizie. Holy woo woo at it again. Timming?

Isabella sj Tue, 11/15/2016 - 05:28

In this world of make believe at this point; how do we determine what's real and what's not? I've confessed for a long time. I am a Liberty toddler. So, I study constantly to determine what is believable and what's not. Don't trust too many stories.

IF YOU SAY PRINCIPLED THINGS (LIKE RON PAUL DID) then you never have to "change your mind" or go back on "promises" you made.

pawnstorm12 Mon, 11/14/2016 - 18:33

Trump has been busy softening his positions on some of his campaign promises.

Had Dr. Paul become president, he never would have had to do this since all his positions were based on Constitutional principles and simple truths.

I think I heard Trump mention the Constitution one time in all his campaigning.

It just goes to show you how STARTING OUT principled keeps you from having to walk back things you said.

Pamela Anderson Visits WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Again, Bearing More Treats

JD Mon, 11/14/2016 - 11:33

Pamela Anderson made another visit to the controversial mastermind behind WikiLeaks with goodies in hand.

The 49-year-old model and actress was photographed making a trip to see Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks editor-in-chief, at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London on Sunday. Just like her visit nearly a month ago, Anderson had plenty of treats in tow.

Is there someone working at the WH oval office? More programming questions......and ranting.

Isabella sj Mon, 11/14/2016 - 07:41

60 minutes: People are scared. Are you going to tell them to stop being scared.

- The People's answer: Tell Sorros to fire them. What am I missing?

Why is a script reader from the variety propaganda show asking the President Elect to tell Hillary's and BO staff to stop destroying property and threatening the new first couple's life?

60 minutes: R u really sending Hillary to jail:

DT: the Clinton's are good people and he doesn't want to hurt them.
