Anonymous Updates presents to you a powerful message, mainly featuring videos of Anonymous and Donald trump.

Isabella sj Sat, 11/12/2016 - 06:26

I'm noticing a constant detail on all this operation and it's called "bluff". There's a war on your mind says Alex Jones. Yep, I think I agree. We need to keep calling their bluff. There's a reason why Dr. Paul keeps smiling, hardly gets extreme on his words and actions and keeps pushing forward with one unique tool.

WORDS AND IDEAS. "What worked in Ukraine" will not work here". Dr. Ron Paul

Was the middle east the story of Pandora's box?

RT's Peter Lavelle interviews Dr. Ron Paul

Isabella sj Sat, 11/12/2016 - 06:06

With the surprise election of Donald Trump, can we expect an equally surprising foreign policy from him? During the campaign he provided us with a glimpse of his thinking. Will there be a Trump Doctrine?! RT'S PETER LAVELLE INTERVIEWS DR. RON PAUL

I think the Liberty movement has a friend in the new WH team

Isabella sj Sat, 11/12/2016 - 06:04

Remember when Peter Thiel donated millions to Dr. Paul? He called it an investment into the future. Remember when Peter pushed Zuckerburger Fakebook to come out and stand with him against censoring Fakebook posts?

Thiel is part of the new WH team.

To "DRAIN THE SWAMP" first you have to evict AIPAC!!!

pawnstorm12 Fri, 11/11/2016 - 22:02


Instead of doing that, Trump has invited Netanyahu over here first chance he gets to promise Israel even MORE than the 5 billion we give them now.


So come down off your high horses all you suckers.

Oregon is epicenter as Trump protests surge across nation

JD Fri, 11/11/2016 - 08:51

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Another night of nationwide protests against Donald Trump's election came to a head in Portland, where thousands marched and some smashed store windows, lit firecrackers and sparked a dumpster blaze. Police termed the protest a riot and used "less lethal munitions" to help clear the streets.

Some 4,000 protesters surged into the downtown area late Thursday night with chants like "we reject the president-elect!"

Happy Veterans Day!

johncarter44 Fri, 11/11/2016 - 07:15

Thank you to all my fellow Brothers and Sisters... In Liberty!

GMAB: Hey American Media and Hillbots

Isabella sj Fri, 11/11/2016 - 05:12

Who do you think you are lying to? Can't fill up venues for rallies but there are protests around the country including Puerto Rico because she lost? Project Veritas documents how it's done. Give Me A Break.
You are fiction.

WW4 abort! WW3 was old cold war! Congratulations mother earth.

Isabella sj Fri, 11/11/2016 - 04:59

Tear Drop "A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA"

"The Kremlin announced that Putin had sent a telegram to Trump on Wednesday morning expressing “his hope they can work together toward the end of the crisis in Russian-American relations, as well address the pressing issues of the international agenda and the search for effective responses to global security challenges.”

Well, well, well - Look who is the first foreign leader Trump invites to White House...

pawnstorm12 Fri, 11/11/2016 - 02:23

You guessed it...


And don't it just figure.

Trump is no different than all the other Israel-first, ass-kissers in the republican party.

So much for America every regaining its sovereignty from the clutches of Israel.

How can the businessman Trump justify we American taxpayers willy-nilly giving Netanyahu 5 or 6 billion every year?

How is THAT a good deal for us?

It's also the end of the line for the Palestinians.
