You are on Notice! Project Veritas

Isabella sj Thu, 11/10/2016 - 07:17

“The next time you try to take advantage of honest Americans, think twice, because the person sitting in front of you may have a camera or a microphone. If you are cheating stealing or scamming, you may be the next unwilling star of the internet,” said Veritas founder and president James O’Keefe. #Veritas

Work to do: See the Bundys and Hammonds and others free. Make America FREE AGAIN.

Isabella sj Thu, 11/10/2016 - 07:06

From Facebook. Bundy:

Don't know if you have been following. The Bundy brothers were detained in Seattle instead of being delivered to Nevada. At this point, there is a lot of work that needs to be done until these American Patriot citizens doing their duty are FREE AGAIN!

Here's a message from fakebook:

Satisfying Election in a Number of Ways

jay Wed, 11/09/2016 - 08:17

I am not a Trump supporter and have no doubt that he'll be a perfectly dreadful president, yet this was a very satisfying election in a number of ways. Let me count the blessings:

1. The marijuana initiatives in 5 states are leading as I write. This will end marijuana prohibition in several more states and pave the way for ending prohibition nationally.

2. The senate and house will retain republican control which almost certainly will mean the end of obamacare.

Americanism not Globalism shall be our Credo!

Isabella sj Wed, 11/09/2016 - 04:35

America dreamin' here to stay. The soul of USA was saved this morning Nov. 9th at about 2:42AM. When DT took the stage and stared the globalist in the face. But first, he spoke with the demon herself who did not show up to face her slaves to say thank you for your service. One more time the butcher of Benghazi kicked her slaves to the curb.
