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JD Thu, 11/10/2016 - 20:24

The elite and new world order are paying people to protest the trump presidency. The new world order is planning to do something very bad and we must be very careful!

There's a Petition For Electoral College to Make Hillary Clinton President

JD Thu, 11/10/2016 - 20:17

According to the Constitution, chosen electors of the Electoral College are the real people who will vote for president, when they meet on Dec. 19 in their respective state capitals.

However, there is technically nothing stopping any of the electors from voting their conscience and refusing to support the candidate to whom they were bound, or from abstaining from voting altogether.

There’s even a name for it: becoming a “faithless elector.”

Hey Trump...How about asking RON PAUL to be Treasury Secretary?

pawnstorm12 Thu, 11/10/2016 - 17:55

...or maybe even head of the FED, since Yellen's days are numbered I've heard.

Then Dr. Paul could dismantle the beast from within!

Will ANY real liberty people make it into Trump's cabinet?

NBC Incites Race War

JD Thu, 11/10/2016 - 17:45

Trump says health care, border, jobs are top priorities

JD Thu, 11/10/2016 - 17:33

Washington (AFP) - US President-elect Donald Trump visited Congress on Thursday and proclaimed that health care, border security and jobs will be his top three priorities when he moves to the White House next January.

The Privacy hero -- Edward Ssnowden

Isabella sj Thu, 11/10/2016 - 17:23

LIVE: Snowden Q&A on how US Election affects your privacy, his pardon
