
Intended to Inform

Paulite_2012 spreading smack.

Ron Aldof Wed, 12/23/2015 - 01:45

I really can't believe he is going around talking this smack. Shows the childishness of his political leanings. Trying to back stab the same people he was aligned with in the last election because he has a different political outlook this time. Looks like he wants to push Rand Paul supporters away from his site. Wouldn't you say?

Feel more should go to the EX Daily Paul and explain that this site is for liberty and anything to do with it.


Download posts/comments from PL with this program!

enemyofthestate1776 Tue, 12/22/2015 - 19:13

Hi all,
I am putting this on hold for now, as it has been claimed that my program took down the site.

1. I am incredibly sorry to all of you, Michael and Jon included, if this is indeed the case.

2. I have reasons to believe that it is not the case, as I explain in the comment below (posted under My View).

Be 2) as it may, if I am wrong about this, my apology stands.

OK - My View

Bankruptcy Court Tells Dept of Ed to Go Shove IBR as Unrealalistic

JD Tue, 12/22/2015 - 17:58

On Jun 24, 2015, Michael Abney became a student loan hero when he filed his own adversary proceeding with the United States Bankruptcy Court of the Western District of Missouri.

When I say he became a hero it's because his case is just another step forward in providing some semblance of hope and logic for people impossibly buried under a mountain and a half of student loans.


ecard71 Tue, 12/22/2015 - 17:25

Another member & myself would like to know if there is any way on this site to see my posts, comments, and replies?


The Liberty Tree

TheTaoistTroll Tue, 12/22/2015 - 17:23

It would be a cool idea if we had the tree go through different seasons. I like the one we have now for the winter months, maybe with some snow on  Christmas, but we could show one for the spring, summer, and fall.

Just one of those odd touches. Maybe show it on fire when really bad shit happens, not to be dramatic but it could be a useful graphic device to alert people to what going on.  Kind of like how Google changes depending on what going on.

What is blockchain, and can IBM, Intel, and big banks use it to remake the internet?

TheTaoistTroll Tue, 12/22/2015 - 16:06

What is blockchain, and can IBM, Intel, and big banks use it to remake the internet?

Declaration of Independence

ATruepatriot Tue, 12/22/2015 - 12:31

Wanted to post this here for reference purposes. After reading over it once again I see a lot that could almost be applied verbatim to our current Domestic King and his Court!

To our Gracious Host?

ATruepatriot Tue, 12/22/2015 - 10:19

Please let me know if I my bold and open demeanor is overbearing. I noticed that because I am an early riser the whole right column is now dominated with my replies. The last thing I would want to be is a problem for your project here, I so want to see it grow for you. Please do not hesitate to do what is needed to best serve the project and site including deletion of anything I put up, or ask me to edit it or slow down a bit if need be.

In your face "Black Swan"!

DjPe5h Tue, 12/22/2015 - 10:03

by Bill Holter

What happened last Wednesday deserves another look because I believe it marked a huge pivot point and very few are even talking about it. Last Wednesday the Fed raised rates one quarter of a point but that was not the big story. The big story was the about face the U.S. did geopolitically!

This 1 Statistic Exposes the Awful Truth About the United States' Ongoing Police Problem

JD Tue, 12/22/2015 - 08:50

Between Jan. 1 and Dec. 15, 2015, police officers in the United States shot, beat, used stun guns on or otherwise killed an astonishing 1,152 people, according to a recently released reportfrom law enforcement watchdog Mapping Police Violence.

Bush Military Official: The Empire's Ship is Sinking

DjPe5h Mon, 12/21/2015 - 22:24

[This was posted by David40 at the PL today, but thought it important enough to bring over here.]

Abby Martin interviews retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former national security advisor to the Reagan administration, who spent years as an assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations. Today, he is honest about the unfixable corruption inside the establishment and the corporate interests driving foreign policy.

Trump offers up sentiments of religious persecution; Rand insinuates, stands for First Amendment!

The Pen Mon, 12/21/2015 - 18:35

Despite the media-cheerleading of Trump ad-nauseam, his inclination towards religious persecution is what we expect our representatives to defend against by respecting the first amendment we cherish as ‘free people’. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Trump’s ideas are not new nor are they historically commendable.
