
Intended to Inform

2 points re: Rand Paul

The Pen Wed, 02/03/2016 - 00:23

1 - Rand received 8,481 of the 186,753 votes cast, which is importantly 4.54129% or 5%. The media (CNN) likes to call it 4%, even though our use of ratios and percentages are rounded up from the mid-tenths place. Anything they can do they will. Do you feel differently about 4% vs. 5%? I do. Leverage is being trivialized by the media.

Democracy and Political Ignorance

Anne Wed, 02/03/2016 - 00:11


Aaron Ross Powell, and Trevor Burrus of Free Thoughts Podcast interview Ilya Somin.  They discussion about political ignorance and its affect on democracy.  Somin's conclusion is similar to what I had commented about  on a previous thread.  The ignorance of he public holds us back in political elections and ultimately keeps us more divided as a people.  Before being able to have an effective debate, we have to have a base knowledge to draw from.


Let's throw salt on Rand's wound - The Daily Show

ecard71 Tue, 02/02/2016 - 20:56

So The Daily Show is now apparently following in Fox's footsteps by replacing 5th place Rand with 6th place Jeb. So much for that man crush Noah supposedly had. Hypocrites of 2012.

Corbett Report Interview: Elaine Dewar on Maurice Strong's Cloak of Green

Anne Tue, 02/02/2016 - 20:34

Elaine Dewar is interviewed by James Corbett to discuss Maurice Strong’s career and her discovery of the business and political interests behind the non-governmental organizations shaping the environmental movement.


Isabella sj Tue, 02/02/2016 - 03:36
Tragic...yet inspirational Macedonia

First Hand Iowa Caucus Account - This Is Our Moment Of Truth!

BaneMaler Tue, 02/02/2016 - 01:36

Alright folks, I wanted to get this out the moment we finished the initial count at my precinct.  I hope you read this and take to heart what I am trying to convey.  This could be a glorious moment for liberty movement or the moment this whole thing falls apart and we go back into the wilderness.  The choice is largely up to us.

With that said, this is my 3rd rodeo.  I've spoken 3 times for Paul.  I have traveled 3 times to Iowa, not as a resident but a tireless supporter of the message.  To say that we had an uphill battle this year is an understatement.  The media has effectively outsmarted us.  We have been effectively diverted and duped into submission.  I can back this up with evidence from tonights caucus proceedings and the testimony from other precinct speakers I had the pleasure of CELEBRATING with tonight.

It's better to be Rand Paul right now, rather than Jeb: Jeb Spends $2,884 Per Iowa Vote

TheTaoistTroll Tue, 02/02/2016 - 00:04

Jeb Spends $2,884 Per Iowa Vote

"Florida governor Jeb Bush received 5,165 votes in Iowa. His vote total constitutes 2.8 percent of the Republican turnout, placing him in sixth place in the Iowa caucus.

Yet no candidate in either party spent more in the race than Bush."

Cliven Bundy: Notice to Harney County Sheriff, Gov. Kate Brown, President Barack Obama.

Rex_84 Mon, 02/01/2016 - 18:23


“This is notice that We the People of Harney County and also We the People of the citizens of the United States DO GIVE NOTICE THAT WE WILL RETAIN POSSESSION OF THE HARNEY COUNTY RESOURCE CENTER,” Cliven wrote in the letter, which he sent on Monday to the local sheriff, Oregon governor Kate Brown and the White House.


A new tool for Shawna Cox and the Bundys

Isabella sj Mon, 02/01/2016 - 16:19

Don't let fakebook drown your message. For Lavoy Vinicum. A way to get the news and developments out.

And now I've got to go. Got to cook dinner and vaccum.

Lavoy: Voy = Here I go

Don't let the spooky thing of war scare you. Make PEACE not war.

Isabella sj Mon, 02/01/2016 - 15:55

It's all a game for the machine's entertainement. Here we have a wonderful way to look at things. One good article to share with friends and family.

Agenda 21 and Shawna Cox a lady with a phone and a pen.

Isabella sj Mon, 02/01/2016 - 14:24

Let's talk about that:

A historical hysterical document. If you don't know about it please research yourself. It is hydeous. So when the advertising campaing for Hitlers' death worked they figured to do it all over again.

Land grab, population, etc., etc.

When we first moved to our town we didn't know much about it. The reason we moved here is because it was the foreclosure capital of the world. It was pretty spookie to drive streets loaded with foreclosure signs. Empty streets with absolutely no traffic jamb like in the LA, CA 405, 5 and the 210. At first, I ...

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell - CERN Hadron Collider

DjPe5h Mon, 02/01/2016 - 13:48

Dr. Joseph Farrell explores the deep political roots and global dangers of the controversial particle physics experiment by CERN called The Hadron Collider, which was set up in Geneva, Switzerland with a massive military style budget of over six billion dollars.
