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How unTrusTed Cruz is Sneaking Common Core on Homeschoolers

Freedom Express Sun, 02/28/2016 - 16:08

It seems every time Liberty minded people delve into unTrusTed's 'actual' legislative proposals, there's always the opposite of what the trial attorney sells it? I never bought into the Koch's Tea Party hype, even after Rand pushed Ron into endorsing him. I voted for the Libertarian in his Senate race, because I knew, he was more of a dominionist, than a conservative, less a Constitutionalist.

Donald Trump's Presidential Quest Would Not Be Possible Without Ron Paul

zooamerica Sat, 02/27/2016 - 18:21

Trump gets all the credit, but the first guy to actually kick the GOP tires and look under their establishment hood was Ron Paul.
Being politically incorrect is now fashionable once again, and Trump gets all the credit.
Who started the trend?
Ron Paul was the most politically incorrect presidential candidate in 2012, by far. He said things that made the GOP turn, squirm and manipulate the media to the point of absurdity.
Does that sound familiar?

Donald Trump's Presidential Quest Would Not Be Possible Without Ron Paul

zooamerica Sat, 02/27/2016 - 18:21

Trump gets all the credit, but the first guy to actually kick the GOP tires and look under their establishment hood was Ron Paul.

Being politically incorrect is now fashionable once again, and Trump gets all the credit.

Who started the trend?

Ron Paul was the most politically incorrect presidential candidate in 2012, by far. He said things that made the GOP turn, squirm and manipulate the media to the point of absurdity.

Does that sound familiar?

Chris Christie Endorses Trump

BaneMaler Fri, 02/26/2016 - 17:18

All I can say is someone is a lock for a cabinet appointment. Am hoping this campaign would consider bringing in more liberty minded individuals but I won't hold my breathe.

Trump insults penguins - Now that is going too far!

pawnstorm12 Fri, 02/26/2016 - 17:07

Yesterday Trump claimed that Romney walks like a penguin.

But why does he have to insult penguins?...

What did they ever do to him??

Trump: The Barbarian at the GOP Gates

free_your_mind Fri, 02/26/2016 - 12:23

Op-Ed from Chicago Tribune reporter and Rand/Ron supporter John Kass. Spot on, IMHO.

HTPOCRITE Ted Cruz says he would make Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel...

pawnstorm12 Fri, 02/26/2016 - 07:56

...AND he says he would move the U.S. Embassy there.

He claimed this in Thursday's republican debate on CNN.

GOP Will Be Forced To Change The “Ron Paul Rule”

VR Thu, 02/25/2016 - 22:30

"As a sign of how corrupt the political process is within political parties, the Republican Party will be forced to drop what is known as “Rule 40” if they want to stop Donald Trump from sweeping the nomination process."

Ron Paul: I wouldn't support Trump as GOP nominee

ecard71 Wed, 02/24/2016 - 19:20

Three-time candidate for president Ron Paul said Wednesday he does not like any of the remaining GOP candidates in the 2016 race, and would not support Donald Trump if he were to win the Republican nomination.

Trump has been able to tap into the anger and fear of a large "minority" of voters, Paul told CNBC's "Squawk Box." He said the billionaire businessman acts like he has all the answers but "zero" realistic solutions to the problems facing the nation.

AP Reporting Trump win in Nevada 42%

BaneMaler Tue, 02/23/2016 - 23:28

Rubio is still besting Cruz 24%-21%
Carson 10%
Kasich 3%

Before Rise as Outsider, Ted Cruz Played Inside Role in 2000 Recount

GBAmerica Tue, 02/23/2016 - 19:23

Before the Rise as Outsider, Ted Cruz Played Inside Role in 2000 Recount

In late November 2000, with senior aides to George W. Bush holed up in Tallahassee, Fla., navigating the thickets of election law, a 29-year-old domestic policy adviser named Ted Cruz was given a humbling task: Walk a stack of papers to Federal District Court.

AMASH!?! NO! YES! Backs Cruz!

Ron Aldof Tue, 02/23/2016 - 18:19

Why I Trust Ted Cruz
Written by Congressman Justin Amash

"As a libertarian Republican, I have spent several months promoting the candidacy of my friend Senator Rand Paul, who is, in my view, the most passionate defender of our rights on the national stage today. Since his departure from the presidential race, I’ve been asked many times: what now?"

Rand Pauluses and Minuses Podcast - The Finale

MarcMadness Tue, 02/23/2016 - 11:50

Raise your glasses, as we toast to the culmination of over a years work covering the comings and goings of Rand Paul. Yes, the “Rand Pauluses and Minuses” podcast has come to a close, in parallel with the folding of Rand’s presidential tent. This is it. The finale.
