Sen. Rand Paul: Forces Senate Vote to Halt U.S. Arms Sales to Pakistan (3/10/16)

johncarter44 Thu, 03/10/2016 - 19:54

American tax payers should not be forced to pay for fighter jets for Pakistan. The President intends to spend over $300 million on 8 F-16 fighter jets for Pakistan. I can't, in good conscience, look away as America crumbles at home and politicians tax us to benefit corrupt and duplicitous regimes.

"THAT FACE" just endorsed Ted Cruz for president.

pawnstorm12 Thu, 03/10/2016 - 18:29

"Look at that face...would you vote for that face?"

This of course was Donald Trump referring to Carly Fiorina at the time she was a candidate for the GOP nomination.

She has endorsed Cruz as was predictable.

I submit she will NEVER endorse Trump even as the GOP nominee because...

As the old saying goes; You can tell a woman she's beautiful a thousand times and she won't believe you. But insult her image just ONE time and she will never forget.

The Worst Of America On Display At Trump Rallies

BaneMaler Thu, 03/10/2016 - 15:48

To be fair this seems to be a bipartisan issue when you consider the Black Lives Matter people and the people that came out in support of McCain and Romney who strong arm people they disagree with and get violent to the point of breaking bones. So certainly not an indictment of the man that is Trump, more a glimpse into the minds of some bad actors that are attracted to the race war.

This guy at least has been charged for his cowardly shot.

Why Rand continues to be my candidate!

The Pen Thu, 03/10/2016 - 14:53

I am providing yet another link to illustrate the tenacity and consistency of a man who continues to bring into the light the pitfalls made by our 'representative' majority.

Can Parental Liberty Exist Within The Public School System?

The Pen Thu, 03/10/2016 - 13:34

I have posted here before with regards to Common Core, but wanted to delve a measure deeper concerning the cumbersomeness of a system that catches highly impressionable children within a pattern of learning based less on creativity than methodology.

True or not true

Isabella sj Thu, 03/10/2016 - 10:54

I don't usually do these things but today I just couldn't resist. I apologize if I offend anyone here (not).

Oregon Standoff: Stand with me. Finicum's daughter speaks

Isabella sj Thu, 03/10/2016 - 09:17

Passing the Torch of Liberty to the next generation.

Is the Liberty movement alive and Kicking? Yep, I think so

Isabella sj Thu, 03/10/2016 - 09:14

I spent the day learning yesterday. I'm delighted to present to you my findings. Forgive me if you have already explored the information. Thoughts on A Call To Paul -- An oasis of information. The real McCoy. And if I'm wrong. Feel free to jump in and do your thing too. I'm just doing one thing.

David Knight Breaks Down On Air Over FBI Murder

BaneMaler Thu, 03/10/2016 - 01:17

Compelling report from David Knight on the newly released videos and some great info from OathKeepers on what protocol is for these situations. The comments about road block in particular are great. Just keep seeing more and more proof stacking against these guys.

Ghostbusters 2016 Trailer Gets Negative Reception Across The Net And Here's Why!

BaneMaler Wed, 03/09/2016 - 23:17

I thought this particularly interesting because it is case in point over delivering entertainment it can horribly backfire. This has become a culture eating itself which is about as predictive as what Karl Marx said about the proletariat and the capitalist that perpetually fights the class war.

FBI vs. Apple: Why You Should Care

VR Wed, 03/09/2016 - 22:11

Hating on Trump by exCIA Phillip Giraldi

Freedom Express Wed, 03/09/2016 - 22:10

I you understand how our Corporatist Bankster/MIC system operates, should have determined this is the root of the anti-Trump onslaught?

Those who followed Dr Paul's '08 and '12 campaigns closely, should recall Giraldi, endorsed Ron both times, writing many articles supporting his logical foreign policy? Giraldi, like his good friend, Michael Scheuer, was a former operations chief in the Middle East, who know the 'real' root of the problem.
