Infowars: Kris Paronto - Benghazi Hero and Author of Film 13 Hours

johncarter44 Fri, 05/13/2016 - 16:39

Benghazi hero and author of the now movie 13 Hours Kris Paronto speaks out on how he feels seeing Hillary Clinton running for President after she caused the death of his friends and ambassador Christopher Stevens.

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Watched the entire video. When we say "thank you for your service" I was taught by one Vet "Be aware what you are saying thank you for". The thought of being thanked for "killing" and other things is not something to be proud of.

But in this case, my beginner's minds points to gratitude. We must say "thank you for your service" the biggest SERVICE this man that calls himself TONTO is the will, stamina and heroic action of standing against total EVIL. His plea to the rest that choose not 2 speak or are too scared to stand up and give testimony to what really happened is even bigger. PEACE B WITH YOU TONTO

He says "we lost our jobs, but we voted if one said no, we wouldn't stand but all three voted Yes" And they put their faces in front of the camera and told their stories knowing that at any X their lives could be deleted into dust. Yet, still honoring his "non-disclosure" agreement.

His call to action is real and powerful. His peaceful demeanor and humble projection is most inspiring. That is a hero if we ever saw one still standing. He is telling the rest to stand up and honor their oath to defend this country against enemies foreign and domestic.

The BEST part of the interview is when TONTO makes fun of Alex about not knowing how to pronounce his name. Notice that neither Alex or TONTO acted "insulted" for politically incorrect choice of words. They both giggled. That is the American way. Just giggle and get along.

Thank you for this post.

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