
Historical Information

U.S. Marines raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi, WW-II

JD Thu, 07/04/2024 - 11:17

1st Lt. Harold G. Schrier, Plt. Sgt. Ernest I. Thomas, Jr., Sgt. Henry O. Hansen, Cpl. Charles W. Lindberg, Pharmacist Mate 2nd Class John H. Bradley and Pvt. Philip L. Ward. 

101-year-old D-Day veteran Jake Larson tells me that he knew exactly what they were fighting for 80 years ago today.

JD Fri, 06/07/2024 - 12:27
“Every one of us was prepared to give our life to kick Hitler’s ass out of Europe!” 101-year-old D-Day veteran Jake Larson tells me that he knew exactly what they were fighting for 80 years ago today. “I lost friends, everybody lost friends. But we were soldiers. We were prepared… https://x.com/amanpour/status/1798771507100815670

ARABS ARE SEMITES!!! NOT THE LILY-WHITE ASHKENAZI (fake) Zionist Jews who hijacked the actual Jewish Religion

pawnstorm12 Wed, 10/18/2023 - 01:58
The State of Israel was created by WHITE EUROPEAN FAKE-"Jews" who are whiter than I am.  It is THEY who  are "ANTI-SEMITES" because they are the ones taking the lands of the actual inhabitants of the region.
If anything it is the Palestinian darker-skinned people - 700,000 of who the white European Zionists KICKED OFF THEIR LANDS in 1948 (BACKED by the U.S. and England) - who are ACTUAL SEMITES.

Was It Just Coincidence That the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Was Created In 1913 in the United States?...The Same Year As...

pawnstorm12 Tue, 10/17/2023 - 02:20
The Rothschild Banker's creation of the Federal Reserve (Central Bank) System, the unconstitutional federal income tax, the Rothschild puppet Woodrow Wilson in the Oval Office, World War One in planning stages, limitation of the U.S. House of Representatives to 435 Members...

America Left vs. Right

StandUp4Liberty Fri, 03/31/2023 - 21:45


Corruption, Corruption, Corruption is Ruining the Land

tpreitzel Sat, 12/24/2022 - 19:49

The rock group, the Kinks, had a song entitled Money & Corruption back in the 1970s. I still love it.
