
Intended to Inform


VR Mon, 02/01/2016 - 12:22

“Closed source technologies from companies like Microsoft could, in theory, contain backdoors or vulnerabilities that hackers and evildoers could exploit. Even worse, Microsoft or its employees could purposely alter voting software to influence outcomes,”

Milton Friedman - Greed, Capitalism and Socialism

DjPe5h Mon, 02/01/2016 - 11:28

In 1979, a young Phil Donahue challenged legendary economist Milton Friedman on the principles of capitalism.  And specifically he went after the concept of greed.

But Friedman eloquently articulated what capitalism was really about.  And how it was behind so much good and wealth that was created in history.

Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum Effectively End Their Campaigns and Kneel Before Zod

BaneMaler Sun, 01/31/2016 - 23:07

Like conquered kings paraded in a Triumph through the streets of Rome, Santorum and Huckabee were paraded through Drake University, now the vassals of Donald Trump.

What a pathetic end to the last two men to win Iowa.


Read More:

Minnesota GOP Rules Change after Ron Paul Delegates Win May Give Donald Trump the Win

VR Sun, 01/31/2016 - 21:53

"The Republican National Committee (RNC) was not happy that Ron Paul, who had won second place in Minnesota’s February of 2012 caucuses, ended up with over three-quarters of the state’s delegates to the Republican National Convention. The RNC was not happy with Paul’s delegates’ large wins in other states either."


Cliven Bundy: It Was Murder. (Video)

Rex_84 Sun, 01/31/2016 - 20:20

clivenbundy.jpg“LaVoy, he spilt his blood for freedom and liberty and for our Constitution, for his ranching rights,” Bundy said. “There’s one thing I want to say, LaVoy, he spilt his blood for every rancher in this country especially in the western United States.”

Ted Cruz keeps digging his own grave

ecard71 Sun, 01/31/2016 - 19:08

Makes me wonder:

 If Cruz is willing to purchase voting records to intimidate/shame voters, then what will he be willing to do with ALL OUR TELEPHONE RECORDS?

Trump loves disabled veterans? He called them a detriment to NY & petitioned to have them removed

ecard71 Sun, 01/31/2016 - 13:08

"Rather than going directly to veterans groups, 100% of online donations on Trump's pro-veterans site will go directly to Trump's personal foundation," the conservative website reports.

Ron Paul: Elections Don’t Matter

The Cat Sun, 01/31/2016 - 12:52

 Dr. Ron Paul was never the one to hype the presidential elections. He explained why:


Isabella sj Sun, 01/31/2016 - 08:14

Justice or Just ICE?

House of Clingtong coming down?

Will the FBI act?

Will the WH forgive and forget?

Will the USA forgive and forget?


US History

Isabella sj Sun, 01/31/2016 - 06:56

I'm starting some research on US History. I grew up reciting the Pledge of Alliagance to the flag every morning along with prayers at the beginning of our school day.  I can't remember how I learned the words.

My parents didn't believe in public education. So, I was enrolled in a private catholic school run by nuns from Spain. My mom was a rebell. I didn't know it at the time. Something happened between my Mom and a nun and that was it. When enrollment time came Mom took me to another private school but this time was run by US nuns.

Who is The Pen?

The Pen Sun, 01/31/2016 - 01:05

My parents divorced when I was five years of age, a year later I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. I remember the hot baths, soaking my knees in the bathtub to reduce whatever could be reduced in pain. I don't remember the pain, but know I went through a great deal of it in youth. I was always very timid, modest and reserved, throughout most of my school years. It wasn't until my senior year in high school I opened 'my wings' and joined drama and music. I went on after high school to six years of college, wherein I received my BS in Liberal Studies, minor in music. The only reason my major, rather Bachelor's wasn't in Fine Arts is because....(more)

Observations about the last Republican debate (January 28, 2016)

The Pen Sat, 01/30/2016 - 21:27

1 - Marco Rubio said at least twice, "I don't think so." It's not hard to spot an appeaser;

2 - Ted Cruz was seriously, televangelist gone-mad;

3 - Kasich talks all-generalities;

4 - Carson is a subdued entangler and purveyor of perpetual war;

