Minnesota GOP Rules Change after Ron Paul Delegates Win May Give Donald Trump the Win

VR Sun, 01/31/2016 - 21:53

"The Republican National Committee (RNC) was not happy that Ron Paul, who had won second place in Minnesota’s February of 2012 caucuses, ended up with over three-quarters of the state’s delegates to the Republican National Convention. The RNC was not happy with Paul’s delegates’ large wins in other states either."  http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2016/january/3...

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All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason. Immanuel Kant
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He is Ross Perot the 2nd! The RNC is complicit in the reincarnation of Perot in Trump... they need him to defeat Rand... to defeat the anti-FED candidate! They will throw the HUN under the bus, let Jeb dwindle, take the Trumpet Buffoon, anything, hoping to defeat a Paul!

It is Paul vs un-Paul folks... and that includes Sanders and the Buffoon's entry into the circus! The most interesting thing is the degree to which a once free America loves a Fascist and a Socialist!

It is all smoke and mirrors... don't fall for the rhetoric! Keep your eyes well back away from the burning forest, on the eight ball, so you can, instead of being burnt by the darkening bark of the tree which is too close, see the whole forest fire!

Despite the confusion of rhetoric, it is ALL ABOUT SAVING THE FED, TRANSFERING WEALTH!

Wars, borders, stock market, are all just so much smoke from a few of the FED-hydra's heads.


JSBach's picture

In any state which has adopted such rules giving either the general election the power to bind delegates elected through the caucus process, or rules giving the party hierarchy power to control the outcome over the wishes of the caucuses, or, if the national party rules give the RNC power over the outcome... in any of these instances a clear majority can usually take control, or a super majority for sure can force, a complete change in the rules!

It ain't over till the delegates assemble folks! It ain't over till the fat lady leaves the room because they need food and want to watch the soaps instead of hang around for a delegate position, instead of hang around for liberty!

It is incumbent upon patriots, like Lavoy, to hang in there for freedom, to show up and be counted!

So, hang in there folks! Liberty is just around the corner!
