Good News

Positive Current News:

There are some days when all there seems to be in the world is stressful, worrying, and desperate news. It can eventually get overwhelming for anyone. This page is here to remind us that there are good people doing great things, and that there is plenty of room for hope.

Ahoy, Maties!

VR Thu, 12/24/2015 - 11:54

Can I get a ride?

I made it!!!!!

The world Wed, 12/23/2015 - 23:35


I'm in and getting cozy. I like the new digs, and I know we can move forward from here. Let the free exercise of Liberty continue!

your friend,    the world. 

Download posts/comments from PL with this program!

enemyofthestate1776 Tue, 12/22/2015 - 19:13

Hi all,
I am putting this on hold for now, as it has been claimed that my program took down the site.

1. I am incredibly sorry to all of you, Michael and Jon included, if this is indeed the case.

2. I have reasons to believe that it is not the case, as I explain in the comment below (posted under My View).

Be 2) as it may, if I am wrong about this, my apology stands.

OK - My View

People Are Crazy

World B Free Mon, 12/21/2015 - 01:27

DP/LP Member of 8 yrs+ Joining the Community

rftbunny Sun, 12/20/2015 - 23:50

Hey guys. I've been a member on DP/LP for over 8 years and I'm looking for a new community to join since DP/LP is effectively being shut down. It's sad but I'm sure we can all make our own community apart from that although it will be hard and definitely a setback.

You guys taking refugees? ;)

Hola Y'all

The Rebel Poet Sun, 12/20/2015 - 13:58

The poet has arrived; let the rebellion begin.

Good morning!

ATruepatriot Sun, 12/20/2015 - 10:42

(Edited because it was pointed out that Criticism is only politically correct if it comes from certain selective sources of hypocritical belligerence )

Absolutely Fantastic!

ATruepatriot Sun, 12/20/2015 - 08:00

I am highly elated and honored to be part of this, Thank you! What a fantastic job you have done putting this together! Everything is working flawlessly for me so far. I very much appreciate the detailed way you did this, The URL Meta description  "A convergence of Liberty Minded People", the anti-spam bot authentication question captcha and the symbolism in the Bonsai "Liberty Tree" image ! 

Kelley Paul Has a Task: To Make Rand Paul More Approachable

Anne Thu, 12/17/2015 - 11:55

Before Senator Rand Paul formally announced his campaign for president last week, he used to get one question all the time: What would stop you from running? His answer was always the same: Kelley, his wife of almost 25 years. “I’m like, really? ‘Do you have to keep saying that?’ ” Mrs. Paul said on Monday with a playful shrug. But she gave her blessing. And now she is bracing to assume a vital role in the Paul campaign: making her sometimes-huffy husband seem a little more approachable.

Rand Paul fights off GOP Hawks at New Hampshire 2016 Summit

Anne Wed, 12/16/2015 - 12:33

NASHUA, New Hampshire – Which one of these Republican candidates is not like the other? When it comes to foreign policy and national security, the clear answer is Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul – and he wants New Hampshire voters to know it.

Telegraph: Rand Paul receives standing ovation as he delivers libertarian message to New Hampshire faithful

Anne Tue, 12/15/2015 - 08:26

Taking the stage to a background of thumping music, Mr Paul received standing ovations before, after and even during his address. One crack, aimed at Hillary Clinton – “she travels in two planes, one for her and her entourage and another for her baggage” – even drew applause from one of the waitresses serving coffee to the party faithful.
