
Anne's picture

We should absolutely call attention to when politicians get it right even if we don't always agree with them on every subject.

There has to be room for understanding people as sometimes on the right track and sometimes completely off the mark. 

We don't have to support them for office to support a few ot their actions.  In my opinion that's how liberty gets promoted

"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

deacon's picture

 you all celebrate the reuniting of a tyrant,in the wee hours would ban you  for a minor dis _agreement,and yet,you cherish its return?

 That is not liberty,and if you think it is,you ar mistaken,and are on the wrong path

This canadien tried with all his might to might to bring the RoN Paul campaign to its knees,namely,by contributing snd trying to to get other non-americans to contribute to his campaign,and repeatedly to him had that opposition removed(that truth was stifled)

 This same man,went on the war path with any and all who didn't/wouldn't support Gary Johnson,going so far as calling the like of us war mongers,haters,romney lovers ect ect,this was way before that election was stolen,and way before Ron Paul bowed out,when this flaw was pointed out (by me) LIED about that particular time line of events. You celebrate that dude I cannot,nor will I,Its bad for my soul



Shonn33's picture

has violated the constitution many times over, one punishment for all those violation...



"Justice is indivisible, an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". MLK

johncarter44's picture

and a Happy New Year!



"I bow my head to the beauty of music, the Blues carry my soul."

- Johncarter44


Shonn33's picture

 This story with my family...I tell them all the time, 'people do a better job of helping than all the other govt. agencies combined...rand will end maybe 3 agencies in his 1st term..

Any other guesses out there???


"Justice is indivisible, an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". MLK

mwstroberg's picture

help the poor? Get out of the way.


crabacado's picture

Some battles carrying over from the past?

Only speaking for myself, but I want to be able to post what ever I want, on any subject matter that interests me.

If bernie sanders said he wanted to end the fed and the drug war on day one I might want to post something about it.


I support Rand but what's all this nasty stuff going on here?

A man who chops his own wood is warmed by it twice

hiyopi's picture

But I also Paid for it out of my own pocket.  Lunches aren't free.  Sorry.

I don't think she should have been fired, but she definitely should have been written up if it was a first time offense, and obviously pay for it or have her pay docked to cover the price of the meal.

Offering to pay for it after the fact is like paying stolen goods because you feel bad.  A little too late to be sorry.



LegalizeLiberty's picture

Sorry don't have time to put this little website on the map like I did with DP. Busy working on twitter with my 10K followers. Rand retweeted my work today!

Song for you*))


I continue to Celebrate with Italian red & songs!

Follow me and my 10K followers @ https://twitter.com/LibertyPoet

hiyopi's picture

Legalize is here!  YAY!!

hiyopi's picture

1)  Shift Over the main forum Left Margin about an inch and a half to the Left.  Maybe move the Right too?  Try for effect.  The idea would be to get it closer to how the Daily Paul margins were set up.  We've gotten used to that format for years, hard to concentrate with things center aligned. 

2) My Honest Opinion...  This site reminds me too much of "The Blaze". 

WAY Too many Pictures (visual fluff that just takes up space) and not enough Content Link Headings (think Drudge Report - which is awesome).

Pictures are fine sometimes.  But I'd much rather just see a link.  If I'm interested in seeing it, I'll click it and read it or view the pictures associated in the link.   ALSO, while we're on the subject of links, and another reason I HATE The Blaze...  They write catchy headlines that catch your interest and make you click and open up webpage to read Bull Crap, when they could have just said this is a link to bullcrap on the original link.  If I want to read bull crap, I'll click on it, if I don't, don't make me click on it to find out the link was bull crap.  An Example from today:  "You'll Never Guess what Wild Life Official Found Alive In Australian Waters!"  You know what it was?  I was hoping Mermaids or something cool.  Nope.  It was an article about stupid Seasnakes.  Who gives a crap?  They could have just freaking said "Seasnakes once thought extict found in Austrailian Waters" and saved me the frustration. (I know you don't control what other people post, just felt like a little rant on why the blaze sucks)


Good Luck with your Site Man!  Looking pretty good so far!  Great Job throwing it together over the past few days, and Thanks!

Shonn33's picture

is in every religion, and it's great to see fellow Americans helping each other..Rand's tax plan helps the poor more than Trump's plan by 10 fold...


"Justice is indivisible, an injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere". MLK

ecard71's picture

what choices Trump's would include? 1st amendment, Snowden, Muslims, etc...


ecard71's picture

when one site promotes Liberty and another promotes Authoritarian views. Ultimately, it'll come down to the content.

