Huckstering in the Name of God

tpreitzel Fri, 03/22/2019 - 11:37


1. Claim Divine approval of their agenda

2. Conduct business behind universally recognized Divine symbology, e.g. Ichthys, etc.

3. Use slick marketing developed largely by females, e.g. the preposterous slogan, "You deserve ..."

4. Reality is different than verbal claim which is an attempt to deflect criticism in advance of their actions, i.e. a disclaimer for their actual behavior


U.S. judge blocks drilling over "climate change"

Texan4Liberty Thu, 03/21/2019 - 10:34

Well I think most that visit this site will understand why I put climate change in qoutes.. Very interested to hear others thoughts on this. I'm shocked that a 'judge' would make such a politically charged and scientifically uneducated ruling like this. I'm honestly a bit biased since I work in the industry but also see US drilling as a way to get our country more free and self reliant. Read as, GTFO of the middle east. I understand there are inherent risks just like any industry but modern drilling and frac'ing is a very safe practice.

