Fantastic news: you'll never believe what I did with the DP & PL archives...

Kathleen Gee Tue, 01/12/2016 - 12:44

Hi everyone!

I haven't been active here yet...I've been very busy since Michael first announced that he was shutting down Popular Liberty. I bought an expired Liberty-related domain a few months ago with the idea of starting my own blog, but never got around to doing anything with it. It's now live, and I've added a few test articles to play with the layout. It's still very under construction because I've been working on another Liberty project.

Is Alex Jones a sell out?

liberty4all Tue, 01/12/2016 - 11:50

It has been bothering me a lot lately watching Alex Jones blow the trumpet. I was just wondering what everyone else was thinking about his strange support for the so-called front-runner? Has Alex sold out or is he really that naive to think that the Donald is a good choice for Liberty? Personally, I think he is a sell-out, but I'd like to hear what you guys think.

Hillary Clinton's Lead Over Sanders Nearly Vanishes

DjPe5h Tue, 01/12/2016 - 10:47

As a result, Clinton's lead over Sanders, which had been 18 points, is now just four points.

Harney County Oregon Update

fishy Tue, 01/12/2016 - 10:11

Hello everyone! I wish my first post here was about some wonderful liberty victory, but maybe it is one in progress... Whatever the outcome, I am deeply disturbed by how the media is distorting the facts here. Not just the MSM, Corbett Report totally screwed the pooch on this story, too. Please learn the facts, this situation deserves the full attention of every liberty lover everywhere.


The Rand Paul Surge in Iowa

Joeinmo Tue, 01/12/2016 - 10:07

Look at the Rand Paul surge in Iowa as Cruz falters.



Rand is moving up and they know this, grassroots in action and probably

will be much higher where his numbers actually are the closer to the caucus.



No More Trolling. It stops now

Anne Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:58

I've had enough and my tolerance has worn thin. Lately, I have been preoccupied with some personal issues in my life as well as just trying to get this site running properly, but not so busy that I haven't noticed the growing amounts of trolling posts.  People say "trolling" is a derisive term and so it is.  However,I don't use it lightly.  It's a term reserved for activity which has a sole agenda of  purposely attempting to anger others and get people off their message.

The Boycott - O - Meter - something for Trevor Lyman or someone to create and fast

Joeinmo Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:48

I think we need to create a Boycott-O-Meter widget webpage showing those who promise to boycott FBN and have in exchange a promise to watch a show interviewing Rand on the debate or whatever or even a company willing to sponsor Rand for a 30 min infomercial and all those boycotting, maybe a or similar.

funny videos

Isabella sj Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:32

Laughter the best medicine. I had to come back here with this. Enjoy! The heck with Faux BSn 3-year-old Mateo Makes His Case for Cupcakes: "Linda, honey, just listen."  40,793,466 views!

Illustrations That Show The Sad Reality Of The Modern World

DjPe5h Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:22

Cutts is an illustrator from London. He had the opportunity to study Fine Arts or work at McDonalds, and he chose the former. Cutts now specializes in videos and images that criticize modern life.

Hay Karamba!

Isabella sj Tue, 01/12/2016 - 08:39

Caramba is used in Spanish like you would use Darn. OK, so when things are upside down I spell it with a K meaning something else I won't discuss here. From time to time I'll post some "Hay Karamba!" moment because I just have to let it all out. 

Today is an "Hay Karamba" moment.

Caramba is used in Spanish like you would use Darn. OK, so when things are upside down I spell it with a K meaning something else I won't discuss here. From time to time I'll post some "Hay Karamba!" moment because I just have to let it all out. 

Today is an "Hay Karamba" moment.

- See more at:

Nobody puts Rand Paul in the corner!

The Pen Tue, 01/12/2016 - 01:00

​Rand Paul simply and gracefully has told the media they are irrelevant in this process. This is how you catch attention, even fire.

VOTE on Greatawire

Ron Aldof Mon, 01/11/2016 - 22:18

Rand Paul way in the lead!
