17 Themes of 2016: President Donald Trump’s Top Exclusive Breitbart Interviews

JD Wed, 11/08/2017 - 17:57

GOP President Donald Trump’s historic general election victory over Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton was due in no small part to the president’s deep understanding of the new media industry–and his close relationship with Breitbart News Network.

Trump hired Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon as his general election campaign CEO as he stormed his way to 306 Electoral Votes and wins over Clinton in 30 and a half states, and regularly conducted interviews with Breitbart News over the course of the campaign.

For the anniversary of President Trump’s Nov. 8, 2016, victory, Breitbart News has compiled a by-no-means-comprehensive list of some of the greatest hits from the campaign–including many key moments that led to what people are now calling “MAGA Day,” based of Trump’s promise to “Make America Great Again.”


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