Uninspiring ‘Go Along to Get Along’ GOP Candidates like Ed Gillespie Will Lose in 2018

JD Wed, 11/08/2017 - 15:00

CNN political commentator and President Trump’s former campaign communications director, Jason Miller, joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Wednesday to discuss the first anniversary of the president’s election victory and Tuesday’s election results in Virginia.

Miller said, “Trump fundamentally fired people up and got them excited. When you talk about the Trump voter, this isn’t just a Republican voter. These are independents. These are Democrats. And the problem with what we saw last night is that the Trump voters … are pretty danged smart. They can tell if someone believes fundamentally in their agenda and what they’re trying to accomplish and if someone’s either an eleventh-hour convert or if they’re just paying lip service to it; then, they’re not going to show up and vote for him.”

Miller said if Republicans want Trump voters to show up and vote in 2018, Congress needs to take action on issues like ending DACA, the wall, NAFTA, repealing Obamacare and the Iran deal–all things Trump talked about during the 2016 campaign.


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