Sen. Rand Paul Challenges Secs. of State and Defense to End Open-Ended War (10/30/17)

johncarter44 Mon, 10/30/2017 - 21:02


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"I bow my head to the beauty of music, the Blues carry my soul." - Johncarter44
pawnstorm12's picture

And yes, Rand does appear our only real voice against the UN-Constitutional U.S. interventions and wars.


1. BASTARD POLITICIANS like McCain, Graham and Peter King...
2. "Defense" contractors and weapons makers...
3. Countries like Israel which have bought our congress and dictate our foreign...
policy and foreign aid packages...
4. Private contractors who are hired by the federal government to go all over the
earth building infrastructures our military destroys while our own rots away...
5. WORLD CENTRAL BANKERS like the Federal Reserve, ECB and Bank of England who
foment wars and interventions around the globe for their financial gain

It's amazing how many excuses these two shysters testifying yesterday had for ENDLESS interventions and involvement in the far corners of the earth by the U.S. military.

And also how they will not even CONSIDER that our constant killing in Africa and the Middle East JUST MIGHT cause MORE radicalization and terrorist activity.


"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxed and over-regulated and overrun by bureaucrats - the founders would be ashamed." -Ron Paul

learnfromfounders's picture

Fanfriggintastic!! Standing on my table applauding ....Absolutely the BEST. Thanks for this JohnCarter44!

Ron Aldof's picture

Rand is our real and only hope. Trump has proven to be a war monger just like his predecessors.
He has surrounded himself with Neocons and the Military Industrial Complex.

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.