Here’s The Indictment Against Paul Manafort And His Associate, Rick Gates

JD Mon, 10/30/2017 - 09:49

There are no allegations of collusion with Russian operatives in the indictment, which was issued by a Washington grand jury on Friday and unsealed after Manafort’s arrest.

Manafort, 68, joined the Trump campaign last March as an adviser for the Republican convention. In May, the longtime Republican consultant was promoted to campaign chairman. He resigned in August after reports about his consulting work in Ukraine began to emerge in the press.

The charges center on Manafort’s and Gates’ involvement in an alleged money laundering operation utilizing offshore companies. Manafort and Gates, who were partners at the lobbying firm Davis Manafort, are also accused of hiding income from consulting work they did in Ukraine for a political party affiliated with Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s former president.

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