JD Sat, 10/28/2017 - 09:15

In a shocking move against free speech, Facebook has banned Infowars from broadcasting live video on their platform without any prior warning or a clearly defined explanation for their decision.

While the social media giant has a long history of censoring Infowars and other libertarian or conservative-leaning voices, this is their most aggressive persecution of Infowars to date.

In response, Infowars has issued the following appeal statement –

We reviewed your policies and insights and have not found any violations. We are appalled that we’re being blocked and censored while the very same streams you’re blocking are sent over cable, AM & FM radio, shortwave and three additional streaming services with zero restrictions. This form of unbridled censorship is evidence Facebook is run by intolerant bigots who stand against the very essence of the First Amendment. We ask that you cease this blockade on our information immediately. We insist that you restore our page without restrictions unless you can provide tangible evidence of our “violations.”


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