Major Study Shows Legal Cannabis REVERSED a Decade of Rising Opioid Deaths in Colorado

celeste B Thu, 10/26/2017 - 09:13

Who's have thought !!

As states across the country struggle to combat the alarming death toll resulting from the opioid epidemic, a new study is showing that the percentage of opioid-related deaths actually decreased in one state, after it legalized cannabis.

In a recently published research study in a peer-reviewed journal, Melvin D. Livingston, Tracey E. Barnett, Chris Delcher, and Alexander C. Wagenaar, set out to see if any association existed between Colorado’s legalization of marijuana and opioid-related deaths in the state.

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Rise, like lions after slumber In unvanquishable number! Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you: Ye are many — they are few! ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley