NRA Spokesperson Slams SNL Cast For Pushing Gun Control [VIDEO]

JD Mon, 10/09/2017 - 09:47

NRA Spokesperson Dana Loesch slammed members of Saturday Night Live who called for stricter gun control and accused them of inciting class warfare, Monday on “Fox and Friends.”

“They have the luxury of being able to tell everyone else to disarm because it’s class warfare,” Loesch said. “These individuals can afford private security. They work in a building with armed guards, and you know they wouldn’t go for one single day without those armed guards. Why don’t you give up the firearms that your private security is holding? You’re not being more virtuous just because you’re paying someone else to carry it. You’re outsourcing it because you lack the courage of your own convictions.”

Loesch was asked if there should be a limit on the amount of firearms a citizen can own, and she said millions of Americans already own multiple guns and are still safe law abiding citizens.

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"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington"– Ron Paul