Rand Paul Registers

Freeman15 Fri, 01/15/2016 - 14:42

Presidential hopeful Rand Paul made an end-run around the GOP debate by going straight to viewers on Twitter, Periscope, and Facebook on Thursday night.

“The great thing about modern media is if you don’t like what’s on TV, turn the TV off,” Paul said at Twitter headquarters in New York. “Turn on your computer. Get some real answers to some real questions.”

Sen. Paul was subjected to the undercard in the North Charleston, South Carolina Republican debate on Thursday night, but rather than debate alongside Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum, Paul spoke to listeners directly at his #RandRally for a little over 45 minutes about his positions on the U.S. Constitution, executive power, foreign policy, debt, the Federal Reserve, terrorism, and much more.


Continue reading: http://spectator.org/articles/65206/rand-paul-registers

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