While GOP candidates were slugging it out at the debate, we spent the night with Rand Paul

Anne Fri, 01/15/2016 - 13:06

While Republican presidential candidates duked it out Thursday night in North Charleston, South Carolina, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) was lounging in a leather swivel chair.

He was about 750 miles away, at Twitter's Manhattan headquarters in the Chelsea neighborhood, cracking jokes about other presidential candidates and fielding questions from supporters.


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"Do not neglect your music, it will be a companion which will sweeten many hours of life to you."  Thomas Jefferson

ebod's picture

I had received two emails earlier in the day saying to stay tuned for more info about Rand's live town hall but nothing later.  I came here and logged onto a posting that took me to periscope something I know nothing about.  Finally I found a way to listen but not watch but by then it was over.

BaneMaler's picture

I will post it soon :)

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

Ron Aldof's picture

I was there....

Didn't miss the snarky jibberish on Faux at all.

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.

BaneMaler's picture

I have no interest in a liberty-less debate.  I actually thought the Twitter discussion is something the campaign should do more of in fact.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

Silverpanda's picture

And seeing the viewership numbers were the lowest yet of any debate so far just makes Rand's boycott all the more satisfying. He had a great week. Hopefully he can keep the train rolling right into Iowa and beyond!
