Gary Johnson Rally in South Dakota

TruthSeeker1982 Mon, 10/31/2016 - 23:48

Good speech in my opinion. In terms of policy and the proper role of government, I found very little to disagree with. Gary's not perfect, but I still maintain that he is better than Clinton or Trump. Gary starts speaking around 7:15.

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Didn't like his support for TPP, but was impressed and proud to see his defense of the right to immigrate here. There has just been too much political rhetoric based on hatred and fear of foreigners by both major parties' candidates. Free Market -> Freedom of Trade and Freedom of Travel.

Just caught the Pardon Edward Snowden promise. That made my day.


Libera_me's picture

The news stories seem to play to both fear of immigrants and denying land owners the right to defend their property themselves. There is some where a position in the center that respects both the landowner's right to protect his property, family and self, and the right to freely travel. The Ed Snowden promise is good, though I'd prefer a promise of amnesty. I'm still not voting for him, though. The main reason why is related to both freedom of speech (or to remain silent) and freedom of religion, both protected by the First Amendment. One of the strongest areas of attack on our freedoms relates to freedom to follow your conscience when it differs from the 'politically correct position'. Wedding cakes are a rather specific issue, and I believe in the right to refuse to serve a party when it violates one's conscience. I've said it before, and will say it again, we don't need another left-statist ( removing more rights from people of faith. He is by no means any more qualified to rule than anyone else without a sterling moral compass, one whose lodestar is the Golden Rule.

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9

mwstroberg's picture

I totally agree about religious freedom / property rights. I have come to the conclusion that freedom of conscience cannot exists as long as the State exists. I view even the slightest amount of Church/State unity as a facet of Anti-Christ. And I believe simply the existence of the State creates some degree of Church/State unity. I am tempted to not even vote, but feel that perhaps, if Gary receives a sufficiently high vote total and it is reported, that people will themselves investigate liberty issues, and see for themselves what the truth is.
