As Always MSM brainwashing the unthinking herd of idiots.

Just me Mon, 10/24/2016 - 12:50

Interesting how they only plan to investigate the guy who made the video and not the content of the video & they refer to O'Keefe as 'a discredited conservative activist' but don't mention that Robert Creamer is a convicted felon.

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Reality's picture

These fools, including cooper, are the true haters of a great America. They want to bring the country down to a third world level and lieing and cheating are just fine with them. I really hope Trump goes after all the criminals, which is pretty much all government workers. They are all on the take or ignore when others are. Maggots, is the best description of government workers. They feed off the people.

Isabella sj's picture

If only Drs. Paul were part of the team. So many ideas they have that would make things simple. End the Fed. Right to work., etc. End drug prohibition. Our bodies belong to us.

Let us pray!....

I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.

Reality's picture

The Pauls don't have the balls to call out the media and the government maggots. They have the right ideas but they are too nice.