Property taxes, Federal Taxes, Payroll Taxes, Sales TAxes, Assessments, Ready to Serve Fees.....

Isabella sj Sun, 08/14/2016 - 03:46

I think I'm full of AH, FEE FEE...When real life plays like the movies we pay a fee to watch. We know fiction is NOT fiction.

Permits, Drivers License Fee, Boat Fee, Trailer Fee, Fishing fee, camping fee, docking fee, gun lic. fee, background ck fee. And some get it all for free. GMAB

And then, we have world leaders wondering how these goons are financed, clothed, travel, gun armed and ammo armed. GMAB.

Gun regulations for US not for them. I guess that's why it is said...."Come and...."

Could this be true? Greek CG Stops "Extremists" WEAPONS SMUGGLING as they Pose as REFUGEES to enter EU.

While those that write the rules and regulations also include ways to circumvent them. AH, FEE, FEE....

"According to maritime transparency database Equasis, the two share the same address and appear to have no registered telephone number.

Equasis data shows IMS Hellenic operates another 14 vessels, all flying an array of flags from the following countries: Moldovia, Bolivia, Tanzania, Comoros and Togo. The ships collected a total of nine detentions between them from European authorities in the last three years. IBTimes UK was unable to contact IMS Hellenic for comment."

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I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.