What Happened to the 'Peace Officer'?

JD Sat, 08/13/2016 - 10:41
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I saw a statistic on the Sovereign Man blog about civil asset forfeiture (which is naked theft):

"...By 2014, that figure had grown 4,667% to a whopping $4.5 billion.

And we learned in 2015 that the government stole so much private property from its citizens that the total amount exceeded the value of all property stolen by every thief and felon in America combined..."


My friend and I had lunch with his 18yo nephew, who was going into law enforcement. I tried to be polite because my feelings are pretty strong on the subject. We talked and he impressed me as a young man that had watched too many cop shows growing up. I asked him why he wanted to become a cop. He said, "I want to give something back to the community".