Is Bernie Sanders the BIGGEST HYPOCRITE in the history of American Politics?

pawnstorm12 Tue, 07/12/2016 - 15:48


Here's a guy who had millions of followers to his ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT message.

Yet, is there a more establishment candidate than Hillary Clinton who he could support?

And yet he did.

What a TYPICAL LIBERAL LYING HYPOCRITE he turned out to be.

I HOPE his followers see this and abandon him in droves.

When RON PAUL ended his campaign in 2008, HE DID NOT SUPPORT McCAIN because he was a PRINCIPLED MAN, and had ran AGAINST McCain's politics during his campaign.

So not only is Sanders a HYPOCRITE, HE HAS NO PRINCIPLES.

What a shame when he could have run as a 3rd party or independent candidate (AS HE HAS IN THE SENATE) and put a big dent in the CORRUPT 2-PARTY system.

I voted for Sanders in Washington State JUST TO HURT HILLARY. I'm neither a democrat or republican, so my goal is to END the 2-party system.

I will be voting for Gary Johnson and the Libertarians in November.

But Sanders blew a BIG opportunity to stand up for the things HE SPOKE AGAINST FOR THE LAST YEAR, instead of kissing up to the ESTABLISHMENT democrat party machine of which he is now a big part.

"Madam Secretary I fully support you and just LIED to the idiots who supported me FOR MY OWN POLITICAL GAIN. My book will be out in a few months and now I will command LARGE speaking fees. I really got THOSE idiots. He, ha, ha."


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pawnstorm12's picture
About the author
"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxed and over-regulated and overrun by bureaucrats - the founders would be ashamed." -Ron Paul
Tomoye's picture

He’s worse than a hypocrite. He’s a traitor who back-stabbed Ron Paul. After working with Dr. Paul to get a comprehensive Audit the Fed bill passed, Sanders turned turncoat maneuvering away from RP in 2010 joining the elite ranks of banking interests to water down the original bill to a mere sliver of its original form. He took credit for the abomination that followed exposing his political charade of empty promises he self-servingly champions. Sanders’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton is the same kind of chameleon color change act to which Sanders customarily succumbs for his own self-preservation.

Rand Paul and Thomas Massie are the real champions of liberty working to get a final Audit the Fed bill passed with the proper full spectrum audit Ron Paul originally envisioned. They got closer to passing it in the Senate earlier this year. Sanders supporters failed the Liberty movement when they went to Sanders instead of Rand. Shame on Bernie and shame on them!!

Ron Paul’s statement on Bernie Sanders’:

“Bernie Sanders has sold out and sided with Chris Dodd to gut Audit the Fed in the Senate. His “compromise” is what the Administration and banking interests want: they’ll allow the TARP and TALF to be audited, but no transparency of the FOMC, discount window operations or agreement with foreign central banks. We need to take action and stop this!”

Ron Paul Says Bernie Sanders "Sold Out," Sided With Chris ...

Sanders sells out on "Audit the Fed" amendment | United ...

“Those of us that support the Audit the Fed legislation were snubbed last week by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)as he accepted a watered-down version of the measure”

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”
-Lao Tzu

jay's picture

Point well made about Ron Paul not supporting McCain in 2008 and also not supporting Mitt Romney in 2012. I would hope RP realizes that we are not sheep and he is not a shepherd.

Sanders is an unabashed socialist. How much credibility can we expect from someone that espouses such a demonstrably destructive political philosophy?

Libera_me's picture

and will vote for the Green party candidate, or the Socialist party candidate. ;) (rather than vote for a statist in libertarian garb. The Libertarian party might see some serious 'blowback' if they decide to use statist means to gain votes. Outreach on the Hobby Lobby case will not be sufficient to defuse a charge of hypocrisy in the choice of candidates)

Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.~~ Prov.30: 8 & 9