My Journey to the Jewish Question - RockaBoatus • April 20, 2022

StandUp4Liberty Sun, 05/01/2022 - 09:59

Ever wonder why after voting and praying for change year after year that nothing seems to change for the better in America and we keep accelerating on a path of self destruction?

We can speculate on many reasons; however, for the sake of time, as time is nigh, we must focus on the true source of much of the death, destruction and misery hidden behind the curtain of deception. They control both sides so they are always in control. We merely have an illusion of choice.

This is something that I slowly started to understand by accident 14 years ago while researching the subject of 9/11. This foundation of understanding was extremely helpful during the Scamdemic.

Everything you need to know about the source of the destruction of America and Western society can be sourced from their own words, doctrine, writings, videos, etc. You don't have to judge anyone, just make observations, their actions speak for themselves. This article only scratches the surface of the their shenanigans. As Rick Wiles of Tru News once said like a Boss, "Kabbalah practicing Jews who screw little girls, blackmail our politicians have defiled America and All Mighty God." Go forth and do not be fearful of seeking this information.

I've included 2 links to different postings of this article. I encourage you to read through the comments of both of them as they add different perspectives.

In Liberty,

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About the author
"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."
pawnstorm12's picture

...with the ANTI-CHRIST which IS the state of Israel.

Unless and until we cut all ties with the ANTI-CHRIST, the United States is condemned to PERPETUAL UNREST, TERROR and TAKEOER of our government.


TEN AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS A DAY of american taxpayer money goes to Israel - the most RACIST and HATEFUL country on earth.

"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxed and over-regulated and overrun by bureaucrats - the founders would be ashamed." -Ron Paul