Ron Paul on voting Libertarian if Trump is GOP Nominee: Certainly!

JD Thu, 04/21/2016 - 13:22
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"The only no-compromise gun lobby in Washington"– Ron Paul


Ron Aldof's picture

I certainly will be voting Libertarian. None of the candidates of either of the Neocon Parties will get my vote. Doesn't matter if Trump or Bernard run third party. It is time to bring the Libertarian Party into being a major party in this country. This election because there are such poor choices and slander the amongst them can be the shot we are looking for

Let's get back to Liberty and Freedom.
Trump is working with the Establishment.

pawnstorm12's picture

...anyone else the republicans will offer up (short of Rand of course).

I won't vote for any republican candidate.

It's Libertarian for me with ONE CAVEAT...

IF Trump leaves the corrupt Republican Party and runs Independent or 3rd Party - THEN I'll vote for Trump just to try to HURT THE CHEATING GOP.

My goal is to ruin the two major political parties in the U.S.

Trump (and Sanders too for that matter.

"We have allowed our nation to be over-taxed and over-regulated and overrun by bureaucrats - the founders would be ashamed." -Ron Paul