This is not about Obama, it's about his handlers.

StandUp4Liberty Wed, 04/29/2020 - 02:49

If you know what to listen for, this lil video says so much and connects many dots. Who are the shadow government puppet masters that run the the lil deep state puppets? They are the zio billionaires and banksters. They don't care who is Republican or Democrat as long as they continue their continuity of corruption. Let Chucky Zio boy let you in on a lil secret and tell you in his own words, you can read between the lines. Obama was a financed and groomed implant. We've known that for some time. I assume they always have many lil sponsored puppet reserves waiting in wings sucking up hoping one day they they get chosen by the cabal. Another good example is Justin Trudeau Castro Prime Minister of Canada.

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"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."