American Soil Is Being Globalized: Nearly 30 Million Acres Of U.S. Farmland Is Now Owned By Foreigners

StandUp4Liberty Wed, 05/29/2019 - 00:53

This is disturbing. Most small farmers can only survive 1 maybe 2 years of loses these days before going broke. I know of farmers in Northern Iowa who have been lucky to get most of their corn in this year, however, many in Southern Iowa are in bad shape. As of a couple weeks ago, only 30% of the yearly corn crop has been planted and like the article says, its too late to get a yield that will be profitable. Our thoughts and prayers to these hard working Americans.

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"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."