Truth or "Winning?" - Black Pilled

StandUp4Liberty Mon, 03/11/2019 - 00:24

All, Lately, I've been learing a lot and posting a lot about a certain subject. What I have suspected for awhile seems to unfortunately be true. Actully, many of us have known this back to our Daily Paul days. Everything keeps pointing to the same evil corrupt BS. Devon nails it, the system is to too far gone. I keep asking myself, do I keep trying to help others wake up and make a difference, or try to forget about it and pretend I don't know all this stuff I've tought myself for 15 years and try to enjoy my life as much as I can while we still have a country before it goes to fn hell? We are way beyond peaceful revolution and by the time everyone realizes we have been had, the puppet masters will plunge us into chaos making it impossible to do anything about it. I wish I had more positive and hopeful things to post about, but if you don't focus on the truth, there is no hope things will ever change. I have to admire how capable they are at controlling us. Like Devon said, it's really our own fault. We keep eating shit burgers and come back for more... Cheers!

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"Only well informed citizens can maintain a meaningful resistance against the powers seeking to destroy us. However, when we get to know the truth we must not let it stop there. Information proves its value only when it's used. Spread the message."