Of course the media ISN'T in on it.....

ecard71 Sat, 02/20/2016 - 19:11

With just 1 percent (YES 1%) of precincts reporting, NBC has just called the South Carolina Republican primary for Donald Trump. Other networks and newswires quickly followed.

A quick way to establish to the masses that the landline polls conducted are indeed accurate and that the msm is correct in dictating who's on the debate stages. Of course the media is Anti-Trump - (sarcasm). Anti-Establishment my ass. He IS the establishment. Let the blind continue ruining the country just the same as they declared the Bundy's White racist domestic terrorists.

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BaneMaler's picture

Jeb is dead.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

JSBach's picture

McCain also suspended in 2008... and then became the nominee!

As long as there is a right vote available, then I will not write-in!

You changed your voter reg to what? Never heard of that... and that is the way it is throughout the land. Your reason therefore is not sound. Not voting for a good candidate on the ballot because you think it is a lost cause already, is no different than voting for a party which is in the same or worse boat!

The odds are far greater that a grassroots brushfire for write-in across the country can succeed, than either an unknown party or a lagging candidate in the back of the pack. In fact, I am of the opinion that only a write-in vote will succeed against the FED, and against big money! That is the premise upon which we are beginning to work, at the same time as voting Paul when we can!

Precisely that fact of the possibility of write-in, is the source of greatest fear on the part of the FED lovers! Until they can change the laws sufficiently to eliminate true liberty in suffrage, they will tremble for the consequences of an irate public finding out the truth!

If you want to see anger equal to the anger stirred up when the FED is really attacked, try altering the voting in your state back to paper ballots counted in the precincts! The possibility of voting at all, of their being unable to control it, is one of the last fears and hurdles the Neocons need clear!

Never fear, Jeb the Bushes is very much alive, as was John McCain, as was George his dad when Perot handed off the nomination to him!
The special friend of Clintons and Bushes, the Trumpet Buffoon, is playing out the Ross Perot scheme to a tee! Ross was also the Clinton's and the Bushes, 'best friend'!
The great news in all this is that the Pauls have managed to cause an awakening so great, against the evils of the FED mainly, that the party is in fear yet, and may wind up with a totally confused election process, disheartened gullible masses, who will be completely befuddled when the HUN ascends again up the steps, to soil the White House once more with her condoms and filthy husband.
But then again, what party besides the GOP deserves such punishment for stupidity more?
The good as well as troublesome news is that the grassroots are equally as ready for revolution and chaos to uncertain but totalitarian change, as they are for brush fires of liberty being ignited throughout the land by an irate but wise and savvy minority!
Today I was elected a delegate along with several family members. How about you folks? Too bad the Ron Paul folks sat out the fight this time so far. The turnout was very low and they could have grabbed up all the delegates!
I think an announcement for strategic taking back of the land might be coming soon! That is my gut feeling!


Isabella sj's picture

DOUBLE. My gut says so too.

I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more. https://youtu.be/3eA4OHW8v2k https://youtu.be/mgm8qYEFKwc