We must Press On!

TheTaoistTroll Wed, 02/03/2016 - 14:08

We need to grow the Liberty Movement in every state. We need to dismantle the Washington Machine: congressman by congressman; senator by senator; governor by governor.  The time has come to look around and identify whom the potential candidates; for example, the good doctor from Arizona and Tea Party candidate: Kelli Ward.  Lets put that fucking Neocon out to pasture.

And if you don't have anyone to in you State. I have some bad news for you: it's you! And you might have to get your hands dirty. Whether it's at the state legislature level or higher office; we need to shift the paradigm; so next time, whether it's Rand or Amash or whomever, they will have the support to affect change.  Or it's at the state level in both Democratic and the GOP. 

Things are going to deteriorate over the course of our life time -- we know this. So, get involved at your community at any level. Follow you passions and live your life.

The Establishment has upped their game this election cycle; we must return that in kind.

We need to stop Hero Worshiping  and do something different. We need to quit being sheep, albeit amazing, intelligent, and independent black sheep, and grow up. Sitting on the sidelines needs to come to an end.  I'm not the first to say this, but hope I'm one of the lasts one to say it.



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Those who are; are those whom are not.
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I am tired of hearing about the quitters.  If you aren't engaged then get you stuff and move on down the road.  It is pointless to lurk on a website concerned about getting us to a liberty in our lifetime when your goal is to hide out in a cabin in the woods or keep to yourself.  It hasn't worked and never will.

Just starting a state sovereignty movement in our state.  Intend to make a big stink this year.  Intend to get rid of a lot of losers in 2016.  I refuse to be told my liberty doesn't matter or to be talked down to by a bunch of washed up has beens.  Time to repeal and replace some folks, time to get engaged with our local community, party, and organizations.  I am learning that we are disorganized organizations that are here today and gone tomorrow.  Time to commit to hard things.

I am relieved as well as dismayed by Rand dropping out.  Relieved that there are a lot of people no longer obsessed with this election but dismayed that the biggest platform we had to promote liberty is now sidelined.  Time to get back to work.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Never Be Defeated! https://youtu.be/XmTmTMcdxOs

enemyofthestate1776's picture

Do not give up the fight!

"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry