
Intended to Inform

Influx of refugees!

ecard71 Fri, 12/25/2015 - 11:28

Well at the time of this posting, there are currently 21 users online. And it's been what, 5 days? That's pretty encouraging considering it's Christmas and PL was averaging roughly about double that amount at times.

Just thought I'd bring that up.  :-)


Rand Paul leads candidates in Senate attendance & calls for Rubio to resign

ecard71 Fri, 12/25/2015 - 11:02

A comparison of the 5 senators running (Lindsey's out - YAY):

Among the senators running for president, Rand Paul has the best attendance in 2015, voting 94 percent of the time.

Not sure if I mentioned this before or somewhere else

ecard71 Fri, 12/25/2015 - 10:03

Is there a way to see WHO down-voted or up-voted? At the very least, I hope YOU have that ability to help narrow down for informational purposes.

ATTN goldenequity, Kathleen Gee - if you're around

enemyofthestate1776 Fri, 12/25/2015 - 04:24

Please get in touch.


Before the site went down, I managed to download and stitch together the WWIII thread into one giant html file. Reply here, and I can the file put up somewhere for download for you. I won't post it anywhere myself, as it is your work, so hopefully we can meet up here or somewhere else.

Kathleen Gee:

Still working on the voting mechanism for this site?

Liberty Pastor Fri, 12/25/2015 - 03:59

I'm seeing weird behaviour when voting up comments (haven't voted anything down yet) and posts.

Is there unfinished work regarding voting? Up-votes don't seem to register on posts, but they do on comments, but sometimes not at all. Any explanation forthcoming?

Anyone Here Remember a site called

Mr. Kotter Fri, 12/25/2015 - 01:38

It started up right after 9/11 and lasted a few years or so.  The owner was a porn producer strange enough and died of something.  His wife took it over and it pretty much disappeared forever.

I was wondering is all.  There were a couple names at DP/PL that seemed as if they could have been on itshappening when I was tooling around there, but I never asked.

Drying peppers for a spice shaker?

Shonn33 Thu, 12/24/2015 - 18:33

I grew lots of peppers to dry them out making a spicy condiment, how long should i let them dry without a dehydrator???

I plan on selling jars of ground pepper spice for 10 bucks each.  I also grew Trinadad scorpion peppers, rated at like 1.4 million Scovilles. Mucho caliente!!!!!

Era Of Shattered Illusions

TheTaoistTroll Thu, 12/24/2015 - 16:43

I am addicted to this guys videos. I don't mean to be crass, but it like dark-hardcore-intellectual- Libertarian-porn. 

How do we embed multiple videos

TheTaoistTroll Thu, 12/24/2015 - 16:35

How do we embed multiple videos?  Or is this something that will be addressed later on?

This is John Galt Speaking

TheTaoistTroll Thu, 12/24/2015 - 16:27

I recommend reading the book first. This is for the new people. Or people whom haven't found the time . I remember someone, a long time ago on DP, posted this. People need to remember.

Anyone else having a problem logging into PL?

harley9883 Thu, 12/24/2015 - 12:29

Is anyone else having a problem logging into the PL site today?

Deputies fatally shoot CNN guard trying to help distressed son

JD Thu, 12/24/2015 - 08:18

Douglas County sheriff’s deputies got the call around 8:20 p.m. Monday. The security guard for a mobile home park in Douglasville, Georgia, said he had just been held at gunpoint for 45 minutes as he made his evening rounds.

PopularLiberty error... database filesystem out of space

john2k Thu, 12/24/2015 - 00:41

It looks like PopularLiberty's webserver, specifically the file system (or one of the file systems) used for the database, ran out of hard drive space.

That is from the current error message on the PopularLiberty website: "error 28 from storage engine."
