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Liberty is dead. BERNIE! BERNIE!! BERNIE!!!

pawnstorm12 Sat, 02/13/2016 - 00:37

The GOP has succeeded in finally GETTING RID of Ron Paul - Rand Paul - and their supporters like me.

Well I hope they're happy because I WILL NOT VOTE for any remaining GOP bastard, lying, hypocrite republican shyster.

I will now turn my attention to the Independent candidate from Vermont (now using the demon-crat party as a vehicle) who opposed the Iraq war and bashes the banks who were bailed the taxpayers.


Felony Friday Ep. 006: Abortion, Murder and Seat Belt Laws

Jao171 Fri, 02/12/2016 - 14:25

On this episode Marc Clair joins Felony Friday host John Odermatt to discuss a wide range of topics. John starts the discussion by bringing up the always controversial topic of abortion. John and Marc weigh in on the now infamous undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials, where they appear to be selling baby parts and the subsequent indictment of the two individuals responsible for the recording. Next, the conversation turns to a tragic murder case that highlights an inexcusable failure in the criminal justice system. John describes in detail how the Ohio legal system is being scrutinized for allowing a man, who was indicted by a grand jury on felony sexual battery charges, to go free on only $500. While free on bond this man brutally murdered his estranged wife in front of their two children. John and Marc point out how the focus on non-violent drug crime offenders increases the likelihood that violent criminals will fall through the cracks.

LIVE FEED - End to the Oregon stand off?

DZdownUnder Thu, 02/11/2016 - 09:59

In two minutes the 4 remaining people at the sanctuary may hand themselves in.

Live feed -

LIVE FEED - End to the Oregon stand off?

DZdownUnder Thu, 02/11/2016 - 09:59

In two minutes the 4 remaining people at the sanctuary may hand themselves in.

Live feed -

Is the financial crash starting?

bort Tue, 02/09/2016 - 21:33

Sounds like Deutsche Bank is in trouble.  They're denying it (as they absolutely have to else there would be a bank run) but if something happens there then either contagion or fears of contagion are going to start.

LaVoy Finicum shooting: What happened when Timeline and Funeral video

Anne Tue, 02/09/2016 - 14:55

The Oregonian/OregonLive created a timeline of what the FBI, the two women in Finicum's truck and the driver of a Jeep also stopped during the confrontation have said publicly about what happened and when. We've also compared their comments to an FBI aerial video of the deadly encounter and later comments from law enforcement sources.  

New Hampshire Election Fraud Prediction by Scott Adams

DjPe5h Tue, 02/09/2016 - 13:35

The New Hampshire primary tomorrow should be interesting. 

As I often say, wherever you have large stakes, an opportunity for wrong-doing, and a small risk of getting caught, wrong-doing happens. That’s a universal law of human awfulness. When humans CAN cheat, they do. Or at least enough of them do. 

That situation describes the primaries. I assume the primaries are corrupt to some degree. If not, that would mean the primaries are the one thing in history that has escaped the universal law of human awfulness. And that seems a stretch. 

Maybe you think cheating in a primary – and not getting caught – is too hard to do. I scoff at that notion. “Too hard” just means you don’t personally know how to do it. But someone knows. Someone always does.

Saudis Poised For Syria Invasion?

Anne Tue, 02/09/2016 - 12:46

"Yesterday the CNN Arabic website reported that Saudi Arabia has prepared a 150,000 strong force to invade Syria under the auspices of fighting ISIS. Such a move would pit Saudi troops against Iranian troops and the Russian military, in addition to the Syrian Army. Are they flirting with WWIII?"

Top libertarian talks about Trump and the rise of populism

VR Tue, 02/09/2016 - 11:36

In this exclusive interview, world-renowned libertarian Lew Rockwell, the co-founder of the Mises Institute and Ron Paul’s former congressional chief of staff, speaks about Donald Trump and the rise of populism, the economic collapse, the cashless society, martial law and his late friend Murray Rothbard, the founder of anarcho-capitalism.

Europe’s reckless Iran deals will backfire

Anne Tue, 02/09/2016 - 11:08

The lifting of international sanctions against Iran last month following the Vienna nuclear agreement has led to a bonanza of European investment deals with Tehran. Iran’s President, Hassan Rouhani, has boasted of a “new spring” in relations with the European Union, and was recently feted on his visits to Paris and Rome. In the past two weeks, deals have been struck between French and Italian companies with the Iranian regime worth at least $30 billion. Mr. Rouhani was treated like royalty when (more)
