BREAKING NEWS: Final Ranchers and FBI Faceoff LIVE FEED!

DZdownUnder's picture
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VR's picture

12500 listening ..... make that 13000

five minutes later 14000

All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.
Immanuel Kant

13's picture

I'm really interested to hear people's thoughts on this.  So many terrible comments under articles written about the Bundys.  I'd like to hear what liberty folks on this site think about the situation.

free_your_mind's picture

and the mainly negative comments about it, other than here, are very disheartening.  But, I really didn't expect most people to understand just how far the government has been allowed to go in terms of the land grabs that have occurred across our country.  

They accept the power and ultimate authority of government over their lives.  

The notion of individual liberty, freedom as guaranteed by our founding documents, does not exist for so many people because they truly believe that their lives are made better by government.  Most importantly, they do not fear government, rather, they welcome it in their lives because they remain conditioned to do so.  

Rand's message of Liberty and warning about the dismantling of our Constitutional freedoms was dismissed and basically ignored, even by the so-called Conservatives who claim to be staunch supporters of our founding documents.  As soon as the TPTB started using the ISIS terrorist fear card, Rand's central campaign theme was doomed.  

Somehow, the arrival and media nonstop coverage of ISIS just seemed to happen not long after Rand's presidential announcement and strangely when his poll numbers were pretty darn good.  Oh, I'm sure that was just a major coincidence!

The Oregon situation was/is a major illustration of the power and control of the federal government but from the beginning, the media chose to characterize them as "anti-government militants." In doing so, they established  a negative image of these folks negating what Bundy and the others were trying to do, which was to call attention to government overreach and outright rejection of our Constitution.

Bundy and his group chose to make a stand in an area of the country and at a time of the year when that stand wouldn't impact very many people who may have wanted to visit this sanctuary.  I believe this part of the plan was well thought out.  

However, as much as I salute them for what they tried to do, I do have trouble with why they put themselves in a situation where they could be arrested when they made that very long trip.  Yes, I know that they had been allowed to move about freely to that point but those previous movements were made to areas that were more populated and so any arrest attempt could have been documented by several area residents.

Instead, they drove a long way on an isolated roadway, through terrain with a lot of ambush possibility and with no one around to video record anything that went down.  Not very tactical thinking on their part.

I truly hope that this will not be soon forgotten. I hope that LaVoy's death was not in vain and I hope that these defenders of our Constitution will, some day soon, be recognized by the majority of people as the true Patriots that they are.






Isabella sj's picture

most all you have stated here. They are not military strategists, and most probably know very little about evil and how the military thinks and acts. Pacific Patriots as far as I've read gave them reasons to go somewhere else where the Sheriff was a friend of the people instead of a sell out but this didn't make them change their strategy. There's a recorded conversation with Lavoy and Pacific Patriots telling him what was coming down on them and most probably when.

A lot has been lost and gained in this experiment of Liberty. I'm sure there's a lot we don't know about how this country was really built and formed. I don't trust any history books anymore that's all. Yet, those that risked their freedom to tyranny and won gave us the ability to be here typing while being monitored and not dead or arrested yet. And for what I've read most of those patriots died broke and not with a lot fanfare.

I think it's up to us to continue writing the book of this USA history. The media has published distorted stories about the entire episode and social media is beyond ridiculous. How we educate is another story. YES WE CAN and have to for Liberty.

I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more.