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World Bank rival launched in Beijing (Video)

Ron Aldof Mon, 01/18/2016 - 01:22

The Chinese-initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has recently gained traction as major Western economies, including Britain, Germany and France, decided to join it. Close U.S. allies in Asia -- South Korea, Australia and Japan -- have yet to make their decisions. (Image credit: Kobiz Media/Korea Bizwire)

 Rand Paul is correct when he says our debt is the biggest threat to our national security. I wish he would mention the Chinese and the new banking system they are building. With an explanation on how it will crush our economy once it gets a major foothold.

"The Chinese President Xi Jinping launched a new international development bank on Saturday in Beijing that is being seen as a rival to the US-led World Bank.


The Elephant in the Constitution that No One References when dealing with the Natural Born Citizen Issue

Ron Aldof Sun, 01/17/2016 - 03:08

"First, as has been very eloquently presented by Publius Huldah, the founders had at least three copies of Vattel's Law of Nations in their possession during the first Constitutional Convention and they made use of it. In that book, it is the first place that we read about a natural born citizen. Vattel writes concerning citizens and natives:"

G.E. to sell appliance manufacturing division to Chinese owned Haier.

Ron Aldof Sat, 01/16/2016 - 00:49

This will leave one major appliace manufaturer left that is USA owned. Whirlpool.


Rand Paul Gives Media - The Bird.mp3

father_abraham85 Fri, 01/15/2016 - 21:02

^click on me^

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) isn't going quietly after being dropped from the prime-time stage at the Republicans' next presidential debate, literally flipping off the media during an interview.

Please Watch Over My Angel

fishy Fri, 01/15/2016 - 15:51

Waking up is hard to do. I don't have to explain that around here. The man who really woke me up, gave me the courage to investigate some of those "crazy theories" did not just wake me up. He guided me through it, he pulled me down from the ceiling when I found some truth too horrifying for me to process, he kept me seeking truth and avoiding the fear-mongering, Any real threats, he could have handled too.  (more)

Cruz Shifts on Snowden: 'Now Clear' He's a 'Traitor'

HVACTech Thu, 01/14/2016 - 18:49

Texas senator Ted Cruz now says Edward Snowden is a "traitor" who should be "tried for treason." Cruz told the New York Times in a statement his current view on the former National Security Agency contractor who leaked the details of a classified surveillance program.

Look what's coming now: ‘Stop Calling Us Neocons!’

The Cat Thu, 01/14/2016 - 15:45

In an article written by Daniel McAdams, Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, we find out the latest Neocon spin is that calling a Neocon "a Neocon" now makes us a bunch of anti-Semites!  When Neocons make stuff like this up as they go along, you know they are starting to worry about people waking up!

Florida Constitutional Guard Watching the Oregon Standoff Closely

Libera_me Wed, 01/13/2016 - 20:48

As the Oregon standoff continues, various groups are watching the events unfold with keen interest. The Florida Constitutional Guard, headed by Jesse Wilkes, said of the stand-off: "We are absolutely watching the situation."

The Furher wants to see your papers, NOW SLAVE !

mothercirce Wed, 01/13/2016 - 17:45

On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security released updated information regarding the national identification card known as the REAL ID. Beginning January 22, 2018, all airline passengers will need identification cards that are in compliance with the more secure features required by the REAL ID Act of 2005. The REAL ID Act was passed in response to the 9/11 attacks, as part of the global War on Terror.
