UPDATE OREGON: vid Ammon Bundy update / vid FBI confronted by Miliia / report of file burning

VR Sat, 01/09/2016 - 20:13




Report from Blaine Cooper of Fed's Burning and shredding files all day at the burns BLM Office

BREAKING NEWS AND UPDATE OREGON! Report of Fed's Burning and shredding files all day at the burns BLM Office. They told the Employee's they needed to do so because the people may seize the building. More information to come! From 3 credible confirmed sources......


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VR's picture
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All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason. Immanuel Kant
Isabella sj's picture


Sarcasm in England is disgusting. No wonder people ran away then and settled here.

I went to Popular Liberty looking for silver education and I got GOLD. Thank YOU Question more. https://youtu.be/3eA4OHW8v2k https://youtu.be/mgm8qYEFKwc

ATruepatriot's picture

I'm wondering if this was meant as a joke or a stab. Not at all meant to actually help out I'm thinking because PETA never does anything without their extreme activism agenda behind it:

"Animal rights organization Peta hand-delivered vegan jerky last week"

"Vegan Jerky" to Cattle Ranchers?

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

crabacado's picture

well...gotta' get their veggies from somewhere lol

A man who chops his own wood is warmed by it twice

ATruepatriot's picture

If they really cared they would have sent Grain for the Horses not Fake Beef to the Ranchers. lol

Their true extremism came to light when they got mad at the President for "How" he pardoned the White House Turkey one Thanksgiving. He didn't Pardon the Turkey quite as he should have according to their twisted extreme standards I guess. They were nitpicking details to the max. :)

It's a Cult...

"Jack of all Trades...Master of None" But forever learning more!

goldenequity's picture

Here is a review of that meeting by Brandon Curtiss (head of Idaho III Percent Militia)

on the face-to-face w/ FBI

and a further expression of their purpose and goals.
They're expecting 2-300 more to arrive today/Sunday.
(GREAT stuff... don't miss this)



Debbie's picture

Thank you.

Liberty brings people together - Ron Paul

Debbie's picture

Thank you.

Liberty brings people together - Ron Paul

stm's picture

Can you please add more information/links?

Laugh. It makes you feel good.

VR's picture

if the only report is on FB?




All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason.
Immanuel Kant

HVACTech's picture

I am game for this project.  :)
