Senator Jennifer Fielder Defends the Oregon Militants

ecard71 Tue, 01/12/2016 - 16:40

I don't know much about her but;

On her Facebook page this evening, Fielder writes:

Ranching is not terrorism — Obama should pardon ranchers and end protest peacefully

It’s no wonder the feds heavy handed treatment of the Hammond Ranching Family has stirred an uprising.The federal government was way out of bounds in charging the Hammond Family with terrorism as a result of the prescribed burns they started on their own ranch (which actually improved the grass land), and a back burn that stopped a large lightening (sic) caused wildfire from spreading. President Obama should pardon the two ranchers and put an end to the Oregon protest peacefully.


“The current system of federal land management is failing America in every regard and something must be done,” said state Sen. Jennifer Fielder, a Republican from Thompson Falls who has been an outspoken proponent of transferring land from the federal government to the states.

“The Hammonds have been tried as terrorists and it’s unbelievable. That’s why you’re seeing an uprising like this,” Fielder said. “But I don’t agree that taking over a federal building is the right way to go about this. I think there are other solutions here. I don’t believe what they’re doing is going to resolve any issues.


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I appreciate the hell out of her!
